Chapter 16

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(A/n sense I don't do POVs anymore it's hard to jump people to people so this is starting out by us checking in in our good friend gumbi- I mean gumball)


Gumball was pacing around the dungeon. "I'm a prince and I'm in jail this is mutany". As he paced around the cell he got an idea. "I know just the person to fix this". Gumball then summoned the one an only ruler of the night o' sphere, Mrs. Abadeer.

"What is it gumball I'm busy" "it's horrible your son has married Fionna! and your the only one who can stop it"

'Does he not know me and Fionna are really close now? oh well I'll play along '

"No! this can't be happening!" "indeed it is" "how can I help?" "break me out and let's go to the reception" "alright"

(Back to Fionna and Marshal)

"Fi it's time to cut the cake" "alright I'm coming" "on three" "1... 2..." "3!" with that Fionna took a decent size slice and smushed it into marshals face. "You look ravishing what brand of cake is that?" "haha very funny". marshal got as much cake of as he could.

Then Mrs. A and gumball showed up.

"Mother! what a surprise I didn't think you'd make it!" "why would I miss your wedding with her after all I helped plan it." "Fionna my darling you look beautiful" "thank you mom"

"Mom! what is going on here!" gumball shouted angrily. "oh GB didn't you know Fionna and my mom are very close. she's been calling her mom sense before we even started dating". "you tricked me!" "oh yea sorry I was on my way here anyways you just happened to call."

"Guards!" Fionna surprisingly yelled. "take him back to prison." "what?! you can't do this your my guards!" "yes but she is a queen now so she can command us as well."

The guards carried away gumball and the party resumed. "wow Fi I didn't think you had the lady balls to use his guards against him." "what can I say being a queen has its perks." "speaking of perks I think it's time for out honey moon." "oh Marshal do tell.''

Marshal picked Fionna up bridal style and said thank you to everyone who came and for the party and flew back to their cave home.


As marshal set Fionna down she quickly pulled him closer and pationatly kissed marshal while he opened the door. while intertwined and constantly tripping he floated them into the house.

Fionna began undoing all of marshals clothes and throwing them where ever. Marshal took the back of Fionna's dress where it tied together (corset type top) and rips it off completely in half.

"Impatient?" "in this case hell yea"

Marshal then picked Fi up and kissed her pationatly while pulling her close. Fionna wrapped her legs around him and ran her fingers threw his hair.

(I'm lazy and don't want to write this all out it would take six years so 'le time skip')

While cuddling under the covers and regaining their energy marshal finally could piece together words. "that was amazing" "your telling me the whole house is destroyed!" "yea. I'm surprised the bed made it".

"Me too well ima try to take a shower with what left and you clean up a bit marshy." "alrighty"

As Fionna showered marshal with vampire speed cleaned the house spotless an fixed all the broken items and there was ALOT.

Fionna got out of the shower and put on one of marshals flannels and some undies. (pants are just annoying).

"All done?" "Yep how about food?" "wait before that I want you to do something" "what?"

Fionna walked up to marshal and said with a completely serious face.

"Turn me"


Duh duh duhhhhhhhh. Hello my little Bearr cubs!!! I missed you all while I was punished. Ima faint the last time I checked reads there were 100 something and now it's up to 200 something I think ima cry! I love you all so much. vote an comment! till next update!

XxMama Bearr

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