Chapter 20

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Fionna woke up cuddled next to marshal with his hands wrapped carefully around her waist. Fionna yawned but quietly so she didn't blow out his eardrums. Marshal stirred a bit then opened his eyes.

"Morning Fi" he said yawning. "morning marsh". Fionna put her hand over her mouth and flew to the bathroom and threw up. "you ok Fi?"

"Yea, just morning sickness I guess." "alright well ima go get some strawberries then we can lay in bed and open all the wedding gifts we got"

"Alright ill meet you in bed".

Marshal got up, stretched, and floated to the fridge and pulled out a tub of strawberries and floated up to their room. "got the berries" he said sitting next to fi who had piles of gifts infront of her.

"Lets open then biggest to smallest" Fionna said grabbing the biggest box.

As they tarred apart the paper it revealed a pretty nice sized t.v. they set it aside and moved on. after about 5 minutes they made there way to the small ones.

"This ones from cake and LM" marshal said picking up a smallish medium sized rectangle. After he tore it open it showed a photo album. they looked through the photos to see all the memories they had together.

The next one was from marshals mom.

As they opened it, it revealed a crown and tiara for the two. Marshals was gold with red gems places throughout and Fionna's was silver with a electic blue gem in the middle surrounded by little red gems.

"There amazing" Fionna said as she examined the tiara. "yea my mom outdid herself."

The final gift was from everyone in OOO and it was the weddin photo that had everyone in there pair. Marcy and PB where hugging, FP and finn where hugging Lady jake lord M and cake all stood next to each other, FP was on the end and Ice Queen was on the other. In the middle stood Fionna and marshal sharing a kiss.

Fionna was tearing up and smiling at the picture. "hey Fi why are you crying?" "this was the best day of my life marshal. and now it's framed" she said putting up on the wall. "it was the best day of mine too." Marshal said floating over to Fi and wrapping his arms around her, hugging her from behind.

Marshal put his hands on Fionna's stomach and hummed a cute song. "marshal" "yea?" "do you want a boy or a girl?" "I don't know Fi. but as long as there ours I couldn't care less." Marshal gave Fionna a kiss on the top of her head and spun her around so she's facing him.

He got down on his knees and started talking to the baby. "hey there baby. I'm your daddy and I want you to know I will love you forever." he finished and kissed Fionna's stomach.

"Marshy who knew you were such a softy" Fionna said while marshal stood up re wrapping his arms around her. "I'm only soft when it comes to my family." "awww marshal that's so cute!" "I am not cute" "yes you are your adorable!" "not" "are" "not" "are" "not" "are!" "alrighty fine you win I'm adorable." "yay!" "you know your cute when your excited" "then I must be drop dead gorgeous because I couldn't be happier right now."

"Why?" "because I have the best husband in the world and were starting our own little family" she said while looking at her belly and rubbing it. "your so corny" "yep and I enjoy my corniness" "well why don't we go visit cake I'm sure she misses you." "that's a great idea."

Fionna put on a pair of leggings and one of marshals shirts because well let's just say vampire pregnancy s are alittle accelerate with growth so only 4 weeks and she looks about 2-3 months so her normal clothes are alittle tight around the baby area. marshal just put on his normal clothes.

Fionna had her hair cut to about mid back so she left her hair down and pinned her bangs back. They grabbed their umbrellas and flew over to cakes.

When they walked in everyone jumped out and yelled "surprise!!!" "Whaaa?" Fionna said confused until she saw the baby shower decorations everywhere.

"Oh guys this is perfect!" Fionna said while looking at all the decorations. "thanks" she said hugging everyone in the room. Fionna and marshal made their way fully into the party and mingled. When Fionna had a sudden felling in her stomach and realized it was the first time the baby was kicking.

"Marshy Cake come here the baby is kicking!" Fionna said excitedly placing there hands on where the baby was kicking. Cake was jumping with joy and marshal had a huge and genuine smile on his face. "I wanna feel!" said Marceline running over to Fionna. "sense I'm the aunt I have the right." she said placing her hand on her belly.

"Awwwww" Marceline said while signaling PB to come over. soon everyone wanted to feel and it's like the baby loved the attention because it kicked but not to hard to hurt Fionna.

"My belly feels cramped" Fionna said giggling with all the people touching her stomach. Cake came pushing everyone away "alright alright give her some space" "thanks cake" Fionna said picking up a strawberry and sucking the red out of it. Fionna stood up and stretched from sitting for so long.

"Cake I have a sonogram tomorrow if you wanna come." "I would love to!"

"Alrighty" "present time!" PB said with lady walking over with all the gifts.

Cake gave her the first gift Fionna busted out in tears and smiles. "cake is is this..." "yep" "the blanket mom and dad gave me". Fionna hugged cake and then put the Blanket next to her.

The final gift was from Marshal and Marcelines mom. how did they know? it was red and black with a skull bow. inside was a small version of Marshys and Marcy's hambo. "Aww that's so sweet" Fionna said holding up the little toy. a card fell and Fionna picked it up and read it out loud.

"It seems like sense this made my two happy. maybe it will make yours happy as well.


"Marsh isn't that sweet" Fionna said handing marshal the small hambo. "yea it is. it looks just like a mush between mine and Marcy's." "yea it does." Marcy said looking at the small bear thing.

"Alright i think it's time for me and the mother of my soon to be child to head home it's getting late." "Alright don't be strangers!" cake said hugging Fionna and marshal. "we won't" Fionna said hugging her back and then everyone else. "again thank you all for the shower it was lovely." "your welcome baby."

Fionna and marshal flew home with the presents and entered the house. when they opened it they saw there were guests. unexpected guests.

"Congrats you guys!". this time it was marshals family. 'oh boy another baby shower' marshal thought to Fionna 'it's not that bad'.


Tada! hey my little Bearr cubs! I hope you like the chapter. I know it's very baby oriented but I'm me and can't ignore that I said she would have a shower or that she's carrying a human/vampire/demon child now could I? any nuggets make sure to vote and comment! till next update!

XxMama Bearr(''')(0.0)(''')

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