Chapter 37: Truths Revealed

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During second period, Calculus with Professor Cloud, I received a summon to the office. In the "When to Report" section was scribbled "Immediately," which was odd, because I only ever saw them with "At Teacher's Convenience."

Professor Cloud handed me the note directly after the office TA (Teacher's Assistant) handed him the summon. He leaned down and spoke low enough so that only I could hear him.

"Good luck with your training, Shizuo, I have high hopes for you."

Professor Cloud pulled away from and pointed at me as he backed up and leaned against his desk.

"And don't forget the homework," he said, pointing to the white board, "Page 68, numbers 1-33 odd!"

I nodded and started to gather my things.

"Psst, Shizuo!"

I turned around to see that Faith had called me out, she mouthed "What is it?" to me with a concerned face.

I shook my head and waved her off, trying to tell her that it was nothing. Iris, sitting near her, shook her head and nudged Faith.

"Obviously it's SOMETHING, he's just too cool for us now and can't tell, I bet."

I let out a sharp sigh and turned back around, I packed the last of my things and saw the summon was missing from my desk.

"Riku, give it back," I said, looking over to him with a jokingly unamused face.

Riku kept his eyes on Professor Cloud, who was working out a problem, even though he had a phone in his lap, hidden by his math text book.

"Shh, Shizuo, I'm trying to learn here!" He said under his breath with a grin.

"Whatever, you win, bud," I said, getting up and one-strapping my bag. I started to walk away, but Riku held out the summon to me last second before I passed him.

"Dang, you're too good," he said, chuckling before letting me go.

I left the classroom, nodding to Professor Cloud in acknowledgement, and started towards the office. Cloud's classroom was near the back of the school, closer to the Arena, as most higher level CL classes were, so the walk to the office took some time. I decided to stop off at my locker to drop off my books because I didn't want to have to lug them around for the time being. I didn't know how long I'd be at the office, but something told me that I'd best put my books away for now.

When I arrived at the office, I handed my summon to the secretary, who signed it, and gestured me to sit down.

"Go ahead and take a seat, the Headmaster will be with you shortly, he's in a meeting right now."

I nodded and took a seat in one of the leather chairs. I looked up at the clock and saw that there were only seven minutes left before break started. I pulled out my aPhone and started scrolling through my Instagram feed. I normally wasn't one to immediately turn to my electronics, but the situation was a bit awkward and I didn't feel like waiting around alone. After a short time of browsing through social media, I decided to check the news. Turns out it was election year in America and they already had a few people coming out announcing their campaigns. Good for them. I was never really too interested in politics, but my dad used to always tell me to keep up with the times and to watch for trends because "History always repeats itself," at least that's what he told me.

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