Stefan and Klaus

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Alice's POV

It's been a few months. Stefan and Elena are dating now. Sorry I didn't tell you about the past months weren't that very important. But Elena has been acting weird, whenever Stefan and I see each other she gets this worried look well terrified. So I decided to find out my self what was going on.

I was at the Mystic Grill, and I saw Elena and Stefan sitting together. She doesn't even hang out with me anymore.. I walked up to them  pissed off."Stefan we need to talk." I stated. He looked at me then at Elena waiting for approval,"This is not a question your coming with me to talk with or without Elena's approval." I spat. He got up, as I walked out the back of the grill with Stefan following closely.

"What the fuck is going on between Elena and you? Huh? Every time I get close to you two, she gets this terrified, worried look in her eyes. I've been one of your good friends for the past few months, but all you have been doing is taking my best friend away from me. It's all about you now. So cut the shit, what the hell is going on?!" I questioned.

"Alice you can't know." He answered.

I looked at him shocked, and I slapped him."I have every right to know about whatever the hell is going on, I've known her since she was 6 years old! And I will protect her from any harm that comes her way, and from the way she looks when I come walking in, that's you!"

"Alice.." He started. I obviously was  getting pissed but I slammed my hand on the brick wall, of course I didn't know the bloody state it was in because of all the rage that was coming out. Stefan then looked down at your hand, and veins started to pop out of his eyes.

He turned around breathing heavily. I stepped back, scared. But I walked forward towards him,"What are you?" I asked curiously.

"Don't. Alice you need to get back inside now." He stated worriedly. "No not until you tell me what you are!" I answered. I touched his shoulder carefully as he turned around.

I gulped, I asked again,"What are you?" I asked more sternly. "I'm a vampire.." He said looking down at my hand.

I backed up terrified. No this isn't real, he can't be that. I started to run..."ALICE DON'T BE A AFRAID OF ME!" He yelled yelling out to me, he then ran inside when I looked back.

I kept running, I don't even know what I was running away from. My whole world was just turned all around, Vampires? What else could there be?

But I stopped. Looking around my  surroundings, worried knowing I didn't know where I was. I shakily took my  phone out of my pocket, but of course no service.

I felt a cold shivering breeze go past me, of course giving me goose bumps. "WHOSE OUT THERE?!" I yelled trying to be as fierce as possible.

"Hello love." A really attractive blondish guy said with a British accent. "Why would a lovely  girl like you be wandering around the dark woods?" He questioned. I looked at him and smirked,"I could ask the same." I answered.

"What might be your name, love?" He asked curiously walking around me, watching every part of me. I felt vulnerable and nervous around him I didn't know why. "My name is Alice Night." I answered. "Well I'm Niklaus Mikaelson. Very nice to meet you Ms.Night." He said grasping my hand and kissing it. I blushed uncontrollably smiling down at him.

"And nice to you as well." I responded and smiled as my heart beat faster and faster.

But he came slowly up to me looking into my eyes,"Tell me who do you know in this town."
He said to me sternly, I looked up at him curiously, his pupils were very much dilated but became smaller. "Um why do you need to know that, we just met?" You answered confusingly.

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