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Alice's POV

I woke up with a gasp, my eyes flutter open. The realization I couldn't move hit me, especially when I tried to sit up. I was very weak, my eyes roamed around for what I could see and hear.

My breathing slow and raspy, once again I was weak. It seems like that's all that comes down to my life, being the victim and having to be fixed or saved. It's getting tiring, and right when I want to be fearless it all comes crashing down on me.

"Hello, Alice." I heard a womanly voice greet, I looked around frantically but my body still weak I let out a groan.

"I see you have awoken from the momentarily death. Klaus asked me to help with whatever is happening with your hunger, and your control. So as you could tell you're very weak, I am a witch, I cast a spell that subsides your magic and strength. And I drained you of your blood. Obviously to keep you weak enough so you don't rip my throat open while I figure out your problem." She explained, I grunted out from the sleepiness and pain.

"What's wrong with me?" I asked weakly, my voice raspy and slow. I could sense guilt and worry in her response, I knew something was yet again wrong with me.

"Nothing is wrong with you, Alice. It's just your true being is trying to claw out. Your three different supernatural powers can't stand being together as one, your body is trying to give what your body needs. You have the hunger of a vampire, and the werewolf to heighten, and the witch to make things even worse. I don't know why your soul can handle so many different species but now it's coming out. I see you have had symptoms before of voices." She explained, I honestly was terrified.

"How are you going to fix me then?" I huffed out, my breathing cutting short.

"Well I have a few spells and other things up my sleeve but I have to ask your boyfriend before I do anything." She smiled.

"Just tell me, it's my life. My body. Tell me what I have to do, I don't want to be reckless please." I begged.

"I might have to take your witch, and vampire abilities. You will just be a wolf. But also I could just take away your wolf and spiritual senses and that's all. You being a witch and a werewolf you were born as, magic made you a vampire I can't take that away. It's your choice." She explained.

Thousands of things popping in my head  which scared me, if I'm just a wolf I won't be immortal I will be easier to kill, but if I take my hybrid senses I don't know how my body will react.

"Take my wolf and witch abilities away, how in the word can an ordinary witch do that?" I asked, this all seemed not real. I know how it is to be slight witch, you can't just take away what someone is, maybe hide away but not take.

"I'm not an ordinary witch, I'm from the Bennett bloodline." She smiled, my heart sank. Whenever a Bennett witch came in to play she always dies.

"That spell will you kill you, won't it?" I sighed, becoming weaker.

"Yes, but I've lived quite a long time, I think my last spell should be for a powerful and sweet women." She smiled again. I sighed again, from the pain. I started to realize my choice.

"Take the wolf, and spiritual abilities." I stated sadly.

"You will have to prepare for the power that I will take away from you, intake blood laced with vervain to still make you weak." She explained.

"What will you be doing, during my unappetizing meals?" I asked, with slight attitude. The anger of my wolf was constantly clawing out, her blood pumping throughout out her body was clearing most of my hearing, my heart wants to me to control but every single ounce in my body wants to kill her.

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