Stupid Decisions

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Alice's POV

I walking silently. In these dark woods I want to all home. I can feel loose and simply free when it is silent. I don't hear any voices, I don't hear any pumping blood circulating in anybody's body, all I hear is the silent woods.

A slight clicking from the unannounced animals that survive throughout this black mass of wood and nature. I'm in a state where I don't know what I want, other than to kill Damon Salvatore.

But he his clever, ruthless, and stubborn. I have to find a way to get to him. And it's been about 3 days since I've seen Elena.

I bet she is worried sick, and I bet Stefan will be furious with me. The last time I saw them both, I didn't have my emotions. I attacked Elena. I attacked Stefan. I hurt Stefan. That's seems like all I ever experience is pain.

Ever since the Salvatore's walked into Elena's life. The brothers practically were her trained hound dogs, that did tasks she did truly want to do, but can't express that type of darkness in herself.

Where I can. My darkness is a literal figure. Something that can touch me, make me feel pain emotionally and physically. It taunts me. Elena will never have to endure the pain and confusion I've had to encounter.

I'm here. The Boarding House. I can hear them, Elena. Stefan. Damon. And Klaus?

Why was here there? I thought he hated Damon?

I start walking to the entrance to look at the door, cautiously wondering if I should just let this go. But I can't, what will I have to blame? What will I have to consider?

I turn the knob of the entrance door, to hear it click, and it made me flinch. I don't know why I'm feeling this afraid to confront I don't know my best friend..

I swing open the door, to find Stefan and Elena standing hand and hand, looking terrified until their eyes landed on me. Worry and shock was all I saw. Until I laid my eyes upon Damon, his eyes were filled with fear and guilt. And then my eyes made it to the one and only Klaus.

I tried to take a step, only to find there is a barrier. I can't get in? But I've been invited in.

"Alice, Bonnie did a spell, it's supposed to protect me from you." Elena said to me. I looked at her with a pang of betrayal.

"Alice there is no use, no creature can get past it anyways." Stefan adds. I looked down, and look back up, smiled looking at them. And I closed my eyes stretching out my arms touching the barrier.

I whispered to my self,"Veunsic diop."

To find the spell didn't work. And I became to get frustrated. But finally I slammed against the barrier the last time.

To find. I'm in the Boarding House. I look up smiling evilly at Elena and Damon. Not even noticing Stefan and Klaus.

"Well I see your witch, doesn't know her stuff quite well." I smirked walking toward the bourbon.

"Why are you all bloody?" Elena questioned cautiously. "Oh you know, I killed some petty girl. Don't quite care that much anymore. But the thing is. I am this abomination of a creature because of one person. Damon Salvatore." I stated, glancing at him.

"He was upset, and out of his actual mind." Stefan interfered. I looked at him annoyed.

"Does that grant that it is ok to kill innocent girls, when you're angry? Just because you were dating my best friend. If Elena never met you, no one would be dead. I wouldn't be dead. And I grant soon enough Elena will be too either a vampire or just dead." I snap.

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