A timely kill

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Alice's POV

Blood. It's so sickening but beautiful. The music bumping to the beat of your heart thrives and blocks out the sane thoughts you had once thought before entering the black, colorful dancing frenzy.

The lights flashing before your eyes, made you blind to the  darkness ahead of sweaty, intoxicated bodies. The night was my favorite time of the day.

I walked up to the bumping stage and swung my hips side to side. Making my body tingle, the music making my heart pump uncontrollably. My senses off of the roof, the smell of sweet and bitter blood, making my deathly sides hunger grow by the second, while the lust filled humans looked for a potential good time. I have never felt so uncontrolled, I have never felt so real, I felt like the real creature I was meant to be like.

Sweaty bodies sliding against mine, roaming hands touching my body, only thing was blood was locked on most of my senses.

All of my senses coming to a stop, as I found my perfect target. A man staring lustfully up and down at me holding the bars wood edges, my short dress hugging me all in the right places, and heels giving me the right amount of height, but my hair tangled and sweaty from the frantic amounts of dancing.

I walked quickly to him, to find his eyes staring deeply into mine. Finally coming to my certain destination in front of my prey, I brought my  face into the side of neck smelling his sweet blood, my eyes changing quickly I brought my attention to his eyes.

"Come with me, do not speak and do not scream. Obey me." I compelled him. His eyes filled with complete fear and confusion, but his body following me as I intended, I lead him to the dance floor.

My canines coming to their fullest, my mouth connecting to his neck, he began to feel limp in my arms by my powerful hunger, but unhooked and slowly swayed back and forth as the mans eyes drooped weakly  and everything started to slow, my senses leaving my high mind.

I looked into his fearful eyes,"Forget my face, and forget what happened, go clean your self up."

As he walked away, I looked over at the bar to find Nik looking quite angry at my sloppiness of a meal. I smirked at him, and sped to his side.

My smirk still clear, my blood smeared face, he looked quite jealous. I brought my finger to my face and smeared my lefts overs and brought my finger into my mouth to suck and lick the blood off of my hands.

"You're being sloppy, love. Start being more careful." Nik spoke, his eyes growing a darker shade of blue. I winked at his annoying and unplayful words.

"This place was built for sloppiness, and another thing. Don't tell me what to do, I'll kill and feed however and whoever I want." I smiled, giving him a tired look.

My body buzzing from the sweet blood I ingested moments before. He gave me a worried look, I've never been so reckless before, usually my feedings being more careful.

"We should leave." He demanded. I giggled uncontrollably.

"Noooo, I want to stay. Come dance with me!" I smiled cheerfully. I brought my hand to his shoulder, my body reacting with a slight chill, his body reacting the exact same. I know he couldn't resist my touch.

"Love. You're currently on a blood high, I don't want you to regret anything you are doing tonight." He tried to speak, but my head sloppily rubbing his shoulder was making it harder for him to speak.

"Come on. I wanna have fun, I thought the original hybrid was less uptight." I winked, trying to urge his true thoughts, but I knew that he's only being controlling for me.

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