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When you walk into a room, do you feel like someone is watching you? Or is that just your imagination. Is fear fake? It is a emotion, but the switch can eliminate that in seconds. So many questions about one single thing that could and can distort your way of life and how you feel about yourself and others.

Alice Night was in complete shock, and completely fearful of everything and anything. She hated the way she was now, a mother destined to bring destruction to her child, to bring the end to her love. Everything she has ever wanted was in front of her, waving in her face, but she couldn't do anything about it. Her own fate decided how she would live her life, and she was terrified to loose everything.

Niklaus Mikaelson just wanted his family back the way it was, everything was falling apart for him. Alice was falling apart one by one, each incident killing her slowly. All he could do was watch, it wasn't his fight to win.

But Alice wasn't her self, something that had died along with her old self was creeping inside of her. She could hear whispers, things that could destroy herself and her family. She was trying to fight it, but her mind was only on one thing. Her daughter. Alice hasn't actually held her daughter other than the moments she was brought to Rebekah, and when she was instantly killed with her child in her own hands. She was craving for the moment that every women would want in their lives, holding their first born, to take the first step in motherhood. But she was fully aware it wouldn't be that simple for a women and a man like Alice Night and Niklaus Mikaelson.

Alice POV

Nightmares. Something I thought I wouldn't ever get used to. But whenever I close my eyes, all I see is destruction, horror, war. My eyes are closed, but once I start falling deeper into slumber, I wake up panting, but the look on Niks face. He looks so peaceful, I've never seen him so calm before in my life. He's always on high alert worrying about so many different things. I didn't want him to worry about my not sleeping.

So each time I cuddled into Niklaus's figure, and closed my eyes hoping for each horror filled dream to end. That's when I started to slip into slumber finally, but this dream was different it was pitch black.

"Hello, love."

I looked around but noticed no figures around me, until I felt familiar pair of strong hands wrap around my throat. He was whispering in my ear,"Alice you are a pitiful horrible being, I never wanted to save you that day. The only thing that you have brought into my life was Hope. You were just a carrier of happiness, nothing. You are nothing to me. My family hates how all you do is create chaos, something is happening to you one second and the next your dying once again. I don't want to live my life with a weakling. I hate you, I could never love a women like you."

Those words sank into my mind, leaving a complete scar. Those thoughts you held deep inside, we're all coming out. And now he has said them. His hands weren't loosening, growing tighter and deeper into my neck. I felt like I was dying, my every breath felt like my last, I felt a burning sensation in my lungs.

I felt his hands move, to find I was facing Niklaus's hybrid eyes. His hatred filled eyes, burned through my soul.

"I should finish their mission my self." He grinned, only attacking my neck, starting to feel the pain wither away. I felt numb.

I gasped panting, sobbing to my self, I realized I broke out in a cold sweat. I looked around cautiously. To find Nik already up looking at me concerned.

I slid my legs over to the side of the bed, I leaned over my face in my hands.

"Love, what happened? Nightmare?" He asked sweetly. That dream makes me question how he truly felt.

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