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Have you ever felt a pain that was so excruciating that you wanted to just die, to relieve your body of the emotion. The fear of how long it was last, and how it will affect you. Alice felt this kind of pain, she felt empty, laying there by her self, bleeding out. Dying. She slightly just wanted everything to go black, for everything to be actually over. She loved the big bad hybrid, but hated him as well. All he ever did was confuse her, she never knew how she would survive will such a heart broken, paranoid confusing man. And he hurt her, once again and she was done. She was done thinking she was the second choice even if Nik reassured she was not, she was worth everything and she wanted to feel like that with a honorable man.

But this is now, she was attacked by vampires, she is now alone laying curled up crying silently to her self, not making a noise just bleeding and crying. She never felt so hopeless, she couldn't call out, all she could do was cry. And pray something or someone would end her misery, because that's all her life was right now. The baby was just something that reminded her of something she could never truly have. Love. She kept thinking to her self, how she would probably fail the baby as well.

She never saw her self as a mother at all, she was very young and crazy, still trying to live life. But all that's gotten her too, is pain and grief. Supernatural horrors named the Mikaelson's. She destroyed her self with that family. And she didn't know how she would live on with her self. So all she wished was it all to end.

Alice's POV

Pain. Death. The two things I could see and feel, I want death and darkness to cloud over. The pain of Nik, and the vampires attack is overpowering. I can't live like this, I'm done.

I heard a twig snap, I hoped it was an animal that would just take this all away, take my life and baby's horror of having to worry about running from the beast. I couldn't ever trust him, could I?

I felt a hand touch my side, I couldn't hear anything just loud ringing. I stiffened at the sudden contact, and closed my eyes tightly.

Please kill me. Kill me. Kill me. I kept repeating to my self.

The figure picked me up bridal style and ran fast, I couldn't make out who it was because of all the vervain and wolfsbane in my system. My eyes were blurry and the ringing just made the pain even more annoying.

Until I felt a blinding light over me, and felt a soft comfortable surface under me. I knew this bed, I was at the Mikaelson house yet again.

I sighed out, but ended when I felt a wrist in front of my face. I could smell his blood, Klaus's blood. I didn't want it. So I moved my head  to the side and closed my eyes.

But he roughly grabbed my face and opened my mouth slamming his wrist into my mouth, I started to groan out of frustration and after her was done I curled to my side and whimpered to my self.

I felt his hand touch my waist, and I flinched, starting to tear up.

"Please, please forgive me. I never wanted this to happen, I love you Alice." Klaus said to me, I could feel his pain and regret and mostly guilt.

He stayed silent but I could feel his frustration start to increase by the minute by my silence. Which I never am.

"TALK TO ME!" He yelled. I flinched and started sobbing. I have never felt fear around him, but that's all I felt at the moment. Complete fear that he would physically hurt me again.

"Niklaus, you need to give her some space." Elijah intervened.

"NO! I did this and I need her to bloody talk to me. I need her reassurance that she is ok!" He yelled.

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