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Alice's POV

All I can remember from that night, is the unbearable pleasure we felt. We couldn't even stop touching each other, which made me as happy as can be. But now I'm laying here, Klaus by my side sound asleep my back to him with a protective arm around my waist.

I sigh out, thinking which honestly I shouldn't have been doing. Thinking just brings unnecessary questions and concerns, which makes me  turn over so I'm laying on his chest with my head on his shoulder and my arm laying on his bare chest.

I start to draw circles, as I stare at Nik. Does he truly love me? Is this just a fling for him? He must have had many other lovers, am I not his soul mate? All these questions just made me sigh again in annoyance.

I hear Nik shuffle a little, of course I hope he doesn't wake up because honestly I didn't want this pleasure and happiness to end, I love how  I feel at the moment. But with my luck, he slowly flutters his eyes open.

Looking immediately down at me, then smiling tiredly.

"Morning." I greeted smiling.

"Morning, love." He greeted back. I smiled, already feeling the hotness rise to my cheeks.

He slightly tightened his grip onto my waist which made me smile again in his shoulder, still drawing circles.

"Why are you smiling?" He said smirking. I giggled, thinking to my self hiding my face into the crook of his neck.

He chuckled due to my embarrassment and defiance of his questions, as his grasp around my waist breaks, as he lays on top of me(missionary style 'not having sex') and grabs my wrists and pushes them to the sides of my head.

"Tell me, little wolf." He asked again, looking deeply and lovingly into my eyes.

"I love the way you hold me at night, while you're actually sleeping, you hold me so tight, making sure I don't leave again. Which makes me feel," I paused smiling again, " secure I guess. I just feel safe in your arms." I explained. He looked some what shocked by my explanation for my happiness.

He just smiled, and lowered his head on my chest, and let go of my wrists, as I played with his curled hair. Smiling to my self again.

"Why do you hold me so tight, Nik?" I questioned.

"I don't want to let you go, if any of my enemies took you during my slumber I would feel so vulnerable and useless. So I think it is just instinct for my body to hold you tight. I didn't even realize until now." He reassured.

"Well you don't have to worry."

"Yes I do, you're my weakness."

I chuckled.

"And you Nik, are my strength." I smiled, he lifted his head again smiling genuinely down at me. As if he was taking in my looks, for the last time. 

He leaned down and kissed my lips, already savoring that I might not feel for a while. I know how our love works, we are happy and then it all falls apart. And I honestly don't know if I can do that again.

He slowly gets up out of bed, which makes me giggle as I watch him walk into the bathroom, as I sit up.

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