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Alice's POV

I'm awake. I don't know where I am, and what is going on. All I know is, I don't want this baby. I can't do this without him. Klaus he told those witches he wanted me and the baby dead. Then that will be done.

I stepped out of my bed, noticing my clothes were changed which made me quite confused, but I shook it off with all of my anger. I  grabbed a flower sundress that went down to the middle of my thigh and cute brown sandals.

I rushed out of wherever I was, enraged and confused.

Until I heard his voice when I got to the bottom of the stairs, making my body start to shake and tremble and my breathing shaky as well, almost crying.

"Love, where are you going?" Klaus questioned.

"Leave me alone." I shakily answered, starting to walk out the door, but he already rushed in front of me.

Tears were already sliding down my cheeks, the pain was overwhelming and my anger was increasing by the second. He lifted up his hand, but before he could do anything I flinched.

His eyes grew wide, concerned.

"Please, just don't touch me. Leave me alone." I sobbed. I opened my eyes, to see a tear trickle down his cheek as well, and when I blinked he was gone.

I stumbled out of the house I was in, and started to run, not knowing where my body was taking me.

Trees and leaves I watched brush by me, making me sob even harder. Until I fell, and looked up to see a store. A magical store. I stepped in looking around.

"Hello, how may I help you?" A young slightly tanned women asked. I smiled slightly, wiping my tears off my cheeks.

"Um, do you have any wolfsbane?" I questioned.

"That's poison, are you gonna kill a wolf?" She questioned concerned.

"Just a little one."

She looked at me shocked and immediately started looking through a stack of poisons, and handed me one

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She looked at me shocked and immediately started looking through a stack of poisons, and handed me one.

"Stir this with something warm, and the job will be done." She snapped. I smiled and grabbed the poison walking away fast.

And the only thing I knew was that girl seemed suspicious.

The girl took out her phone and dialed a number quickly, raising the phone to her ear.

"Hello?" She asked.

"Ok. I think I just found something that could get our points higher with Marcel, I just got an encounter by a hybrid in the quarter." She smirked. And ended the call.

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