The NightWalker

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Alice's POV

I'm falling, deeper and deeper into the darkness in me. It's trying to consume me, destroy every last part of light and humanity in me. The NightWalker, the demon in me that wants full control.

"Why don't you just let me in, Alice?" The black figure questioned. "You will hurt my friends, I can't let my darkness out. I'm too powerful, you are too powerful." I sobbed. It all felt so real, but I was no where, I was in a white room with nobody but the figure in front of me.

"Alice, you have the power that no creature in the world can overpower, Why don't you want that? You will be able to feel powerful and undefeatable? You know you want it." The figure protested. It was winning, but I was stronger.

"STOP! Just STOP! I don't want you in my head. GET OUT!" I screamed.

I gasp waking from the hardest part of my dream, it taunted me and questioned me. It was so close for me to flip who I was. To the flip the true goodness in me.

But I realized my surroundings, I'm in a pretty nice apartment. But why?

I try to slow my heart beat, so the person who did 'kidnap' me didn't realize I was awake, but I failed completely.

"Hello, Ms.Night." I hear a very deep voice greet me. He had dark brown hair, and a very nice looking suit on.

I stand up cautiously, looking about my surroundings. "No need for that, Alice. I'm not going to hurt you. I'm Elijah Mikaelson." Elijah said presenting himself.

"Why am I here?" I question very forcibly. He grinned I guess glad that I asked?

"You know the power that creeps inside of your soul?"He asks, I nod,"I'm here to help you, I'm Klaus's older brother. The more noble one you could say." He said grinning.

"Well how would you know anything about my power?" I then questioned again. "Many questions, with very little answers." He responded.

"You destroyed many things when you slept, almost lifted the entire couch, you either were smiling or screaming, you kept saying 'NightWalker'." Elijah explained to me. I gulped, knowing fully who that was or what it was.

"What is it, or Who is it?" He questioned again, realizing the increase in my heart beat.

"It's not a somebody, it is the darkness in me. So truly I'm the Night Walker. But I also have a very large portion of light in me." I responded.

He nodded, thinking.

"So how do we fix me?" I ask fearful of his answer. "We won't, we will make you who you truly are. The Night Walker!" He exclaimed. I grew fearful and worried.

"No, Elijah, the reason why I was screaming its name is a bad sign. It was horrifying, if I turned into that, I would never be the same again." I grew angry.

"Alice, we will bring the light and darkness together, I will teach you to control the power that travel through your body." He said.

I started to think. Who brought me here? But then the name came to me.

"Where is Klaus?" I ask. Elijah looked at me
concerned for some reason, and started to mumble something that not even I could hear.

"How do you know of him?" He questioned back. "Well all I remember is I fell into his arms when I fell asleep, and now I don't see him. And before that he tried to save me, from Damon..." I trailed off.

"He seems to care for you." Elijah said concerningly. "No he doesn't." I denied.

"Then you will see your self soon." He shot back.

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