Never Ending

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Alice's POV

I don't know if I'm dreaming, or if this is real anymore. Pain. It is a emotional and physical stress. I'm in the white room. I'm back. The black figure is no more. Just mirrors are showing different sides of me.

Love. Curiosity. Anger. Hatred. Happiness. Sadness. And lastly Pain. I hear my voice speaking to me. It's a never ending circle of pain. I'm a horrible person, I can never be truly happy, I don't have anything to focus on.

I'm sitting alone in this white room, looking down at my pale, lifeless, bloody hands. Blood, how intriguing it is to me. When I was human, which seems like forever ago, I was so fascinated by blood. Now all I see is horror, pain I make people feel.

I'm emotionally drained.

"You're almost there."  My voice cooed.

"Stop. I can't take this anymore." I simply said. "Then let go. You won't be swirling in your own problems anymore. Let me take over."

"You did once, you killed. I killed. I can't do that." I stated, as my eyebrows furrowed together in confusion at my own words. I killed, with a choice.

"You won't have to endure that guilt that pain, I can get rid of it. Become what you truly should be." My voice cooed again, I shudder in annoyance. Weird, you could get annoyed with your own voice.

"Just leave me alone."

"You are alone." My voice chuckled.

Elena's POV

I found her. Alice. She was laying outside the grill, blood stained beneath her stomach not healed at all. I grew worried immediately as I ran to her. Worried for my best friend.

When I finally got to her, she was in a ball, with tear stained cheeks, blood slightly smeared along her lips and chin.

I slightly stood up looking around for any trace of human activity, as I crouched again, grabbing my phone calling Stefan.

S- Hello? Elena, Are you alright?

E- Stefan! You need to come to the grill! Alice is unconscious and bleeding bad. I don't know if she is breathing.

S-Where is she bleeding? I'm coming. Just stay on the phone with me. Are you alright?

E- I'm fine, don't worry about me. She is bleeding everywhere. Stefan... She's not moving at all.

S- I'm almost there.

E- Alright please hurry!

As my phone beeped as I clicked the end button, I slightly touched her face to find her completely cold, but when I touched her, black veins appeared. As if it was hungry for something.

Stefan drove up, parking closely by us. As he got out, and slowly approached us. Still the light dimming just enough for us to see her full injuries.

"Stefan, please help her." I sobbed, not even realizing I'm crying. He came to me, and hugged me, both of us looking down at Alice.

We departed when we started to help her. Still not moving from her original place, I walked to his car to open the back door, turning around to see Alice in Stefans hands. Limp. As if dead. He softly places her in the back, as I run to the passenger seat to open the door and get in as we drove as fast as we can to the Boarding House.

Klaus's POV

I don't know what to do. I don't know where she is. I need her. I hurt her! What was I thinking?

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