A New Start?

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Alice's POV

"ALICE WAKE UP!" Rebekah yelled, I jolted up and stared at her in confusion.

"WHAT! WHATS WRONG?" I yelled back in fear, and stepped out of my bed.

She giggled, and smirked.

"Nothing, Klaus needs you." She laughed, making me laugh as well.

"Well then, thanks for the great alarm!" I sarcastically said back.

"You betcha!" She yelled back. I just chuckled to my self, looking around my room. I sighed starting to get ready. I grabbed some black skinny jeans, black booties, and a grey tee and bralette and some undergarments. I changed and threw my hair in a top knot, and walked carefully down the stairs. I felt really weird, for some reason.

But once I got to the bottom of the stairs I saw my man, well I think.

"Nik." I nodded. He just chuckled and held out his hand which I gradually took as we walked to the kitchen.

"So what did you need that was so important, to make Bekah wake me up?" I asked, slightly annoyed.

"Well, we are going on a trip to the bayou." He told me, I raised my eyebrow in confusion. He just stared back intently.

"What's the trick?" I cautiously asked. He laughed and answered,"There is no trick, love. Just going to the bayou for a little talk and snack." He smiled.

Those dimples, ugh I love them so much. I smiled grabbing onto his neck, as he smiled again.

Once I actually got to the kitchen I started to get some blood from the fridge, and as I sank my teeth into the blood

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Once I actually got to the kitchen I started to get some blood from the fridge, and as I sank my teeth into the blood. I felt this urge to puke, it tasted horrible. I coughed, the blood was sizzling in my throat, I couldn't breath. It felt like razors cutting my throat open.

I dropped the blood to the ground, it splattered and when it did, the blood sizzled against my skin, making me scream and I slammed my hand onto the counter and my whole body fell to the ground.

I already felt Klaus in the room, he immediately grew fearful and nervous, quite terrified actually.

"Alice! Are you alright?!" He asked frantically, my skin still burning while still sitting in the blood.

"Help me." I grunted out. He quickly grabbed me, as I slouched onto his chest as his arm was secured and tight around my waist.

I was very weak and didn't feel well at all, I haven't drank any blood in a few days, and I just feel so hot.

"Klaus.. I don't feel good." I weakly said to him, he looked shocked and afraid of my appearance. He put his hand on my head and he looked quite more shocked as well.

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