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Lexa watched Clarke leave, feeling the aching in her chest grow more and more the further away Clarke got from her. Why wasn't she going after her? She didn't want to..and by the time she'd managed to take in a sharp breath, the blonde-haired girl was already gone, absorbed by the dense shrubbery and out of sight.

Lexa felt like all feeling had been drained from her. She tried to breathe but each time she did, her chest felt tight, like she'd been punched. This feeling was all too familiar and she felt her mind flicker back to the first time Clarke had reacted like this.

Their first kiss had been so painfully similar to this and Lexa closed her eyes tightly and felt her hands shaking.
"No.." She whispered, feeling tears prickling behind her eyelids as she tried to push them back. Her hands laced together as Lexa tried to stop them shaking.

"I'm so sorry Costia." The brown-haired girl said softly, feeling guilt wash over her. She didn't love Clarke. She couldn't. Even if Costia was dead, Lexa could never stop loving her, and she knew she'd forever hate Ice Nation for what they did to her.
But why did she feel so hurt? If she didn't love Clarke then why did her absence make her feel so empty?

"Heda." A voice spoke and Lexa turned, recognising the voice as one of the Grounders that has accompanied the hunting party. She cleared her throat and instantly tried to focus wholly on the man in front of her. Her mind lingered on Clarke but she knew she had to take charge of the situation and be the person her people looked up to.

"Yes? What is it?" She asked, linking her hands behind her back in order to somehow mask the quivering state she knew she was in.
"It's nothing of great concern Commander but where is Wanheda? Is it truly wise to allow her freedom when Ice Nation is still looking for her?" His voice sounded worried and suddenly Lexa's head snapped up, her lips parted slightly.

"Ice Nation already knows that Clarke is under Trikru's protection. She'll be safe. Hurting Clarke would be close to a deceleration of war. We just need to bring her back to ensure that doesn't happen." Lexa spoke firmly although inside she felt her stomach lurch at the idea of Clarke being hurt, whilst she foolishly tried to convince herself that everything would be fine.

"Should I send a search party?"
"No." Her voice replied almost instantly and bluntly before her head had caught up to her and she realised what she'd said.
"There's no need. I'll look for her myself." The Commander added, already moving away from the broad-set man at a brisk pace to where her horse was tethered. Her hand ripped at the ropes as she mounted the horse, steadying it as the man came over.

"Commander!" He cried, begging Lexa to reconsider about leaving alone.

"Remember your place.." She said coldly, her eyes blazing angrily as she let out a sigh.
"If something happens then you must turn to Aden. He's next in line to become Commander and you know his judgement can be trusted."
"But he's just a boy."
"Who was raised and trained by me. He's more than capable, just as all the Nightbloods are."
"But Commander. Is this really what Anya would've wanted?" He said in desperation and Lexa flinched at the memory of the previous Commander. The woman who had been like a mother to Lexa and raised her to take her place when the time came. Lexa glowered and them shook her head, looking away from the man and into the dense trees.

"No." She said with a small smirk. "But it hardly matters now. Anya's dead and as Commander, this is what I want." With that she kicked her horse and it burst forward into the trees, leaving the man behind looking concerned and frustrated.


Clarke shivered. She didn't know how long it'd been since she'd spoken to Lexa but judging by the darkness of night that surrounded her it had been more than a few hours.

She curled up against the hollow of a nearby tree, her arms folded around herself as she desperately craved warmth. Clarke wanted to start a fire but she knew that it would alert any nearby Grounders as to where she was and she didn't want to risk that. Memories drifted through her head and when she thought hard enough she could still feel the faint softness of Lexa's lips against hers.

"Stop." She snapped to herself, taking deep breaths of icy air into her lungs. It cleared her drifting thoughts and slowly she managed to gather them.

She rose to her feet and brushed herself down, wondering if there was anywhere sheltered she could go. There was Niylah.. But Clarke knew that she wasn't exactly on good terms with Skaikru. Arkadia? No. She didn't think she could face her mother again and especially since Pike had taken over.

"Where can I go.." She muttered softly under her breath, jumping when she heard a sarcastic voice reply.

"With us Wanheda." Clarke turned quickly, banging her elbow against the tree and wincing as she saw three warriors on horseback, each pointing a weapon to her, including the man who had spoken. Clarke looked at his face and her eyes widened. White war paint swirled around the features of his face, bringing them out and making his eyes look more menacing. It took less than a moment for Clarke to realise who they were and a shiver went through her.

"Ice Nation." She breathed

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