Fix You

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The reaction to Clarke and Lexa's shared kiss had been one of confusion. If any of the Grounders had felt malice towards Clarke now, they didn't show it. Although she wondered how long that would last.

Lexa gripped Clarke's hand all the way through the crowded streets which caught the attention of many shopkeepers and stall owners. Almost every head turned to the pair but there was an eerie silence that hung over them as they walked. Clarke wanted to pull her hand away, stop the shame but Lexa wouldn't let her. If anything the brown-haired girl only gripped her hand tighter.

It seemed like a lifetime until they finally reached the tall building at the centre of the city. The looming pyre that felt even more intimidating close up. The large doors swung open on ancient hinges and Lexa dismissed the few guards that were littered in the throne room. Although they seemed hesitant to leave the two girls alone, especially considering Clarke's reputation.

"Leave us." She said, her voice now agitated and the guards flinched before nodding curtly, following the direct orders. Lexa sighed after they had left and glanced at Clarke over her shoulder. Clarke couldn't tell if Lexa was calm or angry, her face seemed like a strange mixture between the two, like she was either ready to lash out or burst into tears.

"Are you okay-"
"I'll show you to your room." Lexa interrupted, starting to walk to which Clarke was surprised. The blonde-haired girl had to jog to catch up to Lexa but even then she was difficult to keep pace with. What was this sudden change? Lexa seemed okay before but now Clarke wasn't so sure.

"Lexa, wait! What's gotten into you?" She asked, grabbing the Commander's arm, tugging it to try and stop her. It was to no avail as Lexa just yanked her arm away, heading out of the throne room and down a narrow corridor which was dimly lit.

"Lexa, please talk to me!" Clarke cried, begging for Lexa to notice her but the other girl just kept walking until she walked onto a corridor that Clarke somehow recognised. That's when she stopped dead in her tracks and felt her heart pounding in her chest. Lexa stopped too, looking back at Clarke as her hand rested on the door handle of  a dark wooden door. The blonde-girl shivered, this was her old room.

"I don't want to go back in there.." Clarke said, her face draining of all colour as she took a step back from Lexa. There were too many memories and nightmares associated with that room. So many sleepless nights and crying out, only with no one to hear her. 

Lexa could clearly see Clarke's distress and even from where she was stood it was clear that the blonde-girl was shaking. It sent a deep pain through Lexa's chest and she took a step towards Clarke, her face completely changed once again from her usual harsh glare to the soft one that Clarke was used to. The dark-haired girl looked around and Clarke now understood why she'd seemed so harsh before. She was worried they were being watched.

"It's okay." Lexa whispered, finally clearing the space between them and wrapping her arms tightly around Clarke, feeling like she held her entire world in her arms. Clarke shivered more and Lexa kissed her forehead softly, letting her hands trail down Clarke's arms until she took both of the blonde girl's hands in her own.

"You're not alone anymore. I said I'd watch over you, alright?" She smiled softly and gave Clarke's hands a gentle squeeze. "We're going to face this together and I promise, I'll stay as long as you need me to." 

Lexa's words felt so reassuring and genuine, it gave Clarke more strength than she could've ever imagined.

She nodded slowly and Lexa wrapped her arm around Clarke's shoulders, using her free hand to open the door and slowly lead Clarke inside. Every time Clarke hesitated she felt Lexa's grip on her shoulders tighten, just to let her know that she wasn't alone.

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