Watching Over Me

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The blood poured thickly from the wound, it looked so much worse given that it was Nightblood and it ran as black as ink. Clarke pressed all her weight on the wound, trying to stop the bleeding and she heard Lexa let out a soft groan of pain which made her skin shiver.

The blonde-haired girl knew she'd have to remove the arrow but as she looked at Lexa's face she could see the pain in her expression, even if Lexa was trying to suppress it. In a strange way Clarke wanted to comfort Lexa, tell her that she could make the pain stop, but even Clarke herself wasn't sure she could. She wasn't even sure if Lexa would live to see tomorrow and it was terrifying her.

She let out a deep sigh and then removed the torn clothing she had pressed to the wound. The blood flowed freely but Clarke could still see the shaft of the arrow and she gripped it, feeling Lexa's body jerk as she let out an even louder yelp of pain.

"I'm sorry. This is going to hurt." Clarke warned but Lexa still nodded and the blonde girl yanked her hand back, feeling flesh tear as the arrow was freed. The scream that followed from Lexa was almost unbearable to hear and Clarke immediately felt guilty, but at least it was out. Black blood poured from the wound in streams and Clarke quickly pressed the already sodden rag to the wound again. Soon it wouldn't be enough.

"Lexa. Listen to me, I need you to press down on this as hard as you can, okay?" Lexa's eyes rolled backwards in her head and it was clear from her pale complexion that she'd lost too much blood already. Clarke couldn't tell if the other girl could hear her but Clarke was too hurried to wait for a response.

"Lexa!" She cried, grabbing the other girl's wrist and forcibly pressing it to the rag, putting pressure on the wound.
"You need to listen to me."
"Don't speak. Just listen to me for once. Please."

Clarke then got up and headed over to Lexa's horse hurriedly but not before she'd heard Lexa whisper something.

"I'm scared.."
The words had been so quiet Clarke was almost certain she'd imagined them but she couldn't focus on that now. Lexa was her only priority.

Clarke rifled through a sack attached to the side of Lexa's saddle and pulled out a flint. It was already pretty worn and Clarke didn't know if it would work but right now, the girl would take any shred of hope she could get.

She then started to gather up some dried twigs and leaves, pushing them into a quick pile and heading over to the dead body of the man whom Lexa had slain. It still felt warm as Clarke pulled the sword from his chest, the red blood mixing with the black blood already staining her hands. She wiped the blade and when she'd finished she headed over to the pile of dried foliage, striking the flint against the sword, creating a shower of sparks which thankfully set the dried pile of leaves on fire.

Clarke's hands were shaking as she kept glancing over at Lexa, checking the girl's chest was still rising and falling and that the gasps of pain were still audible. It was difficult for Clarke to watch but at least it showed her that Lexa was still alive.

The blonde-haired-girl pushed the sword into the flames and waited until it was hot enough and glowing red as she hurried to Lexa. She crouched beside her and ripped her clothes apart around the wound so she'd have enough room to reach it. Her heart sank as she saw Lexa looking up at her with wide eyes upon seeing the glowing red sword.

"I'm so sorry Lexa but I need to cauterise the wound, there's no other way to stop the bleeding."Clarke said solemnly but she could see Lexa drifting in and out of consciousness at her words, barely keeping herself awake.

In that moment Clarke pressed the blade to Lexa's skin and she saw the brown-haired-girl's eyes shoot open.

The sound of flesh sizzling was almost deafening, even Lexa's cries of pain couldn't drown out the sound. The experience seemed to last for so long before the blood vessels finally sealed and Clarke withdrew the blade, tossing it aside and quickly trying to patch up the wound, disinfecting it to her satisfaction before she checked briefly that Lexa was still okay.

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