Burn it Down

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A few days passed and Clarke didn't know what to do in order to make herself feel useful. Meanwhile, the war was brewing stronger and she could feel the angst of the Grounders at not having a leader to guide them. Lexa's condition was stable but she was still unable to give direct orders to anyone and worst of all, still wasn't able to receive visitors.

Clarke had visited the hospital every day but every time she was turned away, each time hurting more than the last. She wanted to see Lexa so desperately but at the same time she didn't want to worsen her condition. The blonde-haired girl was barely holding herself together and she felt like she hadn't slept in weeks as the worry provided her with a constant insomnia.

"Wanheda." Clarke heard a voice as she walked down the hospital corridor, she stopped instantly but didn't seem too hopeful as she saw Lexa's healer standing there. She'd been in the hospital for over an hour and not seen a soul, but even now she was used to hearing the word 'No' said to her, in the sort of stern yet compassionate tone that most doctors had.

She sighed so deeply that it almost hurt, all of the stress from the last few days pouring out.
"It's okay, I know I can't see her. I was just leaving." Clarke said to him, raising her hands to stop him speaking.

It seemed strange to be inside a hospital that didn't smell sterile. Unlike the Ark -that always smelled chemical- the hospital here smelled crisp and natural, like wood and smoke. She almost missed the smell of the Ark, it seemed so far away now but it had far from disappeared from her memory.

"Wait Clarke, no. The Commander has requested personally to see you." Clarke had to take a few moments to make sure she'd heard the doctor correctly. She hoped she wasn't dreaming and she was almost tempted to pinch herself.

"Seriously?" She tried to hide the enthusiasm from her voice but it still shone through and her posture lifted slightly as the blonde-haired girl was filled with a new energy. However, she was met with a serious look from the doctor who nodded slowly.

"Yes, but she's still very weak. And you can't stay with her for long, fifteen minutes at most." He said and Clarke felt her happiness ebb slightly and she frowned. She wanted to protest but thought better of it, getting into an argument with a healer would only land her in more trouble.

Instead she bit her lip and nodded in understanding, biting back all of her anger and upset to put on a strong face for Lexa. When the doctor was satisfied he gently took her arm and led her further down the corridor to Lexa's room. Once again, the hospital seemed almost empty and as Clarke stepped through the door, she had to squint a little at how dark the room was inside.

Before her eyes had adjusted, Clarke's ears were already pinned and she could hear soft but loud breathing. It sounded slow and weak which made the blonde girl stiffen. Her eyes finally made out the shape of the bed and the limp form that laid on it. If this was Lexa, she was painfully thin now and it made Clarke want to drop to her knees.

The healer lit a candle in the corner of the room and suddenly, things were illuminated, although Clarke almost wished they hadn't been. She could now see Lexa's face fully and she felt tears well in her eyes. The dark-haired girl had her eyes closed and her eyes had dark circles beneath them. Her cheekbones were also darker than usual and despite the thick blanket that covered the Commander, Clarke could still see her collarbones prominently through the top of her shirt.

Upon hearing the doctor moving, Lexa opened her eyes weakly. They were bloodshot and they looked glazed, like she hadn't slept in a long time. Although as Lexa's gaze rested on Clarke, her eyes widened and she made a visible effort to sit up. Although the doctor stopped her with a hand on her shoulder.

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