When a Fire Starts to Burn

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Throughout the night all Clarke could dream about was the perfect image of Lexa's smile in her mind. It made her whole body feel warm and she barely stirred that night as she felt content and happy for the first time in a while. Of course, having Lexa soundly asleep beside her helped a lot.

Even in sleep Clarke could still feel the dark-haired girl's arm draped loosely over her in a protective and comforting manner. Although Clarke couldn't help but wonder what the next step would be for the both of them, if Lexa would ever be comfortable to be in a relationship with her. Clarke's eyelids fluttered tiredly as she came around. She tilted her head back a little to look at Lexa's face.

Her features were completely settled and there wasn't a hint of pain or anger in it. She looked so peaceful and Clarke couldn't help but lean in and press a cool kiss between Lexa's brows. This didn't wake her but it did make a soft smile appear on her sleeping face which made Clarke feel warm all over again. She wondered what Lexa was dreaming about for a brief moment but then the dark-haired girl began to stir, waking up from whatever had made her so happy.

"Hey." Clarke said and Lexa looked at her with tired eyes. Lexa's arm was still draped over Clarke's waist but the Commander clearly hadn't noticed as she yawned softly and brought her arm away to stretch.

"Hey." Lexa said, smiling at Clarke who gladly returned the gesture. The dark-haired girl looked a lot more at ease and it made Clarke herself feel more comfortable. Maybe things wouldn't be as awkward as she'd first thought.

A part of her wanted to ask Lexa outright where they both stood but she was scared of seeming too forward. Instead she sat up and yawned herself, keeping her gaze away from Lexa's shyly. She couldn't quite tell if there was an atmosphere but she wouldn't be surprised if there was after last night. A lot had been revealed and it was a lot to take in for both Clarke and Lexa.

"Are you okay?" Lexa asked Clarke, picking up on the fact that she wasn't speaking but Clarke just shook her head, dismissing the other girl.

"I'm fine. I'm more worried about you. After all, I'm not the one who survived an arrow to the ribs at close range." Clarke said, looking to the bandage that was wrapped around the other girl's ribs.

"Yeah, well. I'm sure my ribs will be fine. It's my heart I'm more worried about after last night."

Clarke froze completely, feeling sick all of a sudden. She knew this conversation was coming but for some reason she'd been scared of it.

"I'm sorry.." Clarke said, looking away again, biting her lip.
"I was too forward with what I said, I wasn't thinking-"

"Ssh. Please Clarke, you don't have to explain yourself. But I've got to ask. Did you mean what you said yesterday?" Lexa tilted her head and Clarke could almost hear the hope in her voice and it was that tone that made her look up at Lexa's face.

The Commander looked eager, as if she couldn't wait long for her answer before the urge to speak again would consume her.

"Of course I did." Clarke said a little quietly and Lexa's lips immediately quirked into a smile again. The dark-haired girl couldn't seem to stop smiling, not now that she knew how Clarke felt. And how she felt in return.

"So why are you apologising?" Lexa shrugged in confusion and then reached over to grasp Clarke's hand. It felt soft in her grip and somehow their fingers just seemed to fit together. The grooves perfectly aligned so that their hands rested comfortably in each other's.

"I don't know. I just..I didn't want anything to be awkward between us. A lot of bad things have happened. I suppose I was just scared of the good." Clarke admitted and this made Lexa look at the girl for a few moments, thinking carefully about what to say whilst also fighting the urge to pull Clarke into an embrace.

Instead, Lexa settled on squeezing her hand gently in a comforting way.
"Don't be scared. You don't have to be, not about this anyway. I understand what it's like to lose someone and I know you do too, and honestly, I'm so sorry about Finn." The Commander's voice sounded grave and immediately Clarke shook her head to dismiss the conversation. She did not want talk about this now. Not Finn. Right now, all she wanted was Lexa.

"It doesn't matter. It's in the past. People die, we move on right?" Clarke said, repeating Lexa's earlier words which the Commander nodded at.

"Well said. But still..I'm sorry." Her voice cracked a little and Clarke decided to be bold and lean in to kiss her lips softly.

"It's okay." She whispered against them, and she could feel Lexa kiss back gently. Once again, the kiss was slow but held a deep passion that neither of the two girls could voice with words. Even after everything that had happened, something had brought them back to each other.

A few blissful moments passed like this and eventually Clarke pulled away, lowering her head to rest in the crook of Lexa's neck. It felt warm and the scent of Lexa's hair was almost hypnotic.

"And what's the plan for today?" Clarke asked, her lips moving against the hot skin of Lexa's neck which made the other girl shiver.

"We need to get back to Polis." She explained, her voice changing volume as she tried to focus on her words rather than the feeling of being this close to Clarke. Her ribs throbbed but she barely noticed as the euphoric feeling was almost completely blocking out the pain.

"Can you even stand up? You lost a lot of blood yesterday. Maybe it isn't wise to move just yet."

"I know what I'm doing Clarke. Please.. We need to go, and we need to go now." Clarke froze, slowly pulling away from Lexa and looking at her in a slightly startled way. She felt more than a little discarded and she could tell that Lexa felt awful judging from the sad glint in her emerald eyes.

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to snap, but I'm worried about what could happen whilst I'm not there. After all, it's still unknown about the condition of Arkadia. For all we know there could be a whole army of Skaikru warriors marching on Polis right now." The Commander was joking but her voice still sounded worried. Clarke just nodded and then began to stand.

"You're right. We should get going." Her voice must've sounded disappointed as Lexa stopped her standing with a gentle hand at Clarke's waist. The blonde girl looked at Lexa in confusion.

"As soon as we get back to Polis I'm all yours okay?" She said, leaning in to peck Clarke's lips gently and looking at her with a sureness in her eyes. Clarke sighed softly and then nodded.

"I'll hold you to that Heda." She smiled softly and Lexa chuckled. Clarke was glad that she'd get to spend some time alone with Lexa once they got back, there was still a lot to be spoken of, like where they both stood in their relationship. But it all seemed to be running smoothly and Clarke could rest assured that the only route her life could take now was a positive one.

"I have no doubts you will." The commander smiled as she tried to stand and eventually did with Clarke's help. It didn't take long after that for the two of them to pack the rest of the bags together and mount their horses again. Even if Lexa was a little wobbly at first it was still clear that she'd been riding horses all her life as she managed to travel at a brisk speed.

Clarke was constantly looking over at Lexa to check on her as they rode, but she knew that she was fine. Although Lexa caught Clarke's gaze a few times and managed to hold it. It was a soft gaze, not her usual cold or angry glare. It was gentle and loving, a side of Lexa that Clarke had never seen and it easily made her blush. The fire seemed to have faded from Lexa's eyes and Clarke was glad. It was that fire that made her so worried for the other girl's safety but in this moment it was blissful to look into her eyes and see anything but confrontation.

Instead, all she could see in Lexa was a look of devotion and in some sense, a new flame. It wasn't a harsh or mocking glare, but a soft flicker in her eyes that had only just began to burn. A spark of affection in Lexa's heart that had began to show for Clarke Griffin.


My apologies for lack of length to this Chapter and how not much has really happened. This was just kind of a filler until Clarke and Lexa actually get to Polis. Sorry it was so late too, school is starting back up and writing will probably be just as slow as ever (sorry!) until I have free time to write.


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