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The journey back to Polis was a quiet yet peaceful one. The silence shared between the two girls was comfortable and it was one that Clarke could've easily lost herself in.

She smiled over at Lexa often and was always pleased to see her smile in return. Although Clarke knew that things would be different once she was surrounded by her own people. Once Lexa was back in Polis again she'd be the Commander. Not Lexa.

It scared her more than anything but she knew that all she could do was enjoy their precious time together and make the most of her company. The light had a way of catching Lexa in her most beautiful moments, whether she was looking at Clarke or elsewhere, she still always looked faultless. Every detail angelic.

Her hair shone a soft brown in the sunlight but every so often as she turned her head it would flicker with streaks of gold. The dark circles around her eyes had long since faded after the past few days and her eyes looked so much softer. It was nice to see her looking so...natural. Like she wasn't trying to be strong or fierce or angry. She was just being herself.

"You know. You can look so peaceful when you want to be?" Clarke chuckled and Lexa's head snapped towards her as she gave the blonde-haired girl a mock glare.

"Watch what you say Griffin. I'm not supposed to look 'peaceful'" she protested as she brought her horse closer to Clarke's which only made her eyes more vivid. Clarke could tell she was joking but it was amazing how menacing Lexa could look, even with strewn hair and a pale face. Clarke smirked softly before she shoved Lexa playfully.

"I will not watch what I say Lexa- urm.. Actually, now that you mention it, what is your surname?" Clarke said, realising that despite her feelings for Lexa, she still didn't know the girl's last name. She wondered if the Grounder's even had surnames, she severely doubted it.

"Does it matter?" Lexa asked, raising her eyebrows as both the horses trotted through the forest side-by-side. Clarke hummed for a moment in thought and laughed.

"Well it does if I'm going to be taking it one day." She said and the colour instantly drained from Clarke's face as she clapped a hand to her own mouth, realising what she'd just said. It was initially a thought but it had slipped out so easily that Clarke had surprised herself.

Lexa however, didn't react. In fact she looked almost confused.
"Taking it? What do you mean?" She said, tilting her head in the most adorable way. Clarke felt a weight lift in her chest as she realised that the Grounder's mustn't understand the concept of marriage. Thank God.

She wondered if they even had an alternative? But that wasn't the point. Her and Lexa were a complete long shot and most likely wouldn't make it that far, as much as Clarke hoped they would.

"Oh..uh..nothing." Clarke stammered a little and bit her lip.
"I meant to say something else. I don't know why I said that. But seriously, tell me. Please?" Clarke said, hoping Lexa would leave the subject as it was making the blonde-girl blush severely. Thankfully, Lexa only smiled softly, her eyes glowing brighter again.

"You really want to know? I'm sorry but you'll be disappointed Griffin. I don't have one." She said and Clarke was a little surprised at first but at the same time it didn't seem all that surprising.

"I guess Grounders don't really have the need for surnames huh?"

"Not when we're too busy killing each other." Lexa joked but Clarke still shivered slightly. She tried to think of something to distract herself. To not envisage Lexa as a killer.

"Maybe you should choose one?" Clarke suggested, shrugging slightly which was greeted with another perplexed look from Lexa.

"I don't know.." Lexa paused, her horse stepping over a tree root as the brown-haired girl winced slightly.
"I don't even know any surnames. Is this really important?" She asked and for a moment Clarke thought Lexa was going to pout but she didn't.

"Of course it is!" The blonde girl retorted.
"Everyone has a surname, otherwise what's the point? Having half a name is like being half a person." She said softly and Lexa raised her eyebrows, her eyes going distant as she considered it.

"Okay." The Commander nodded.
"If you're really going to insist on me having a surname then I like yours, Clarke. Griffin. After all, if I'm really half a person without a surname then I want you to be my other half and make me whole." She smiled and Clarke nearly choked as she tried to respond.

Clarke felt completely shocked as she looked at the angelic girl in front of her. Her chest had contracted to the point where she felt like she could barely breathe. She knew Lexa didn't understand marriage but yet, once again, she was completely accurate in her description.

"Lexa..are you sure? This isn't something you should just come up with. You should take some time to think about it-"

"I'm sure. It's just a name right? And I can't think of any surnames I'd rather have than yours." The Commander smiled and Clarke couldn't help but smile back at her, a faint blush painting her cheeks.

"Then I guess it's settled?" Clarke said, managing to force the words out whilst her heart throbbed softly.

"I suppose it is." Lexa said cheerily, although as her gaze went forward it hardened and her happy tone faded. Clarke looked confused until she followed Lexa's gaze and she could smell the scent of campfires and the hum of voices in her ears.

A tall pyre stood out against the skyline and as the pair broke the cover of the trees, the menacing structure came fully into view. It dwarfed the small stalls and buildings beneath it and Clarke instantly recognised this place. Polis

"We're here." She breathed and the Commander nodded, her posture straightening already and with each passing moment Clarke saw her relaxed personality fading. She slowly wasn't Lexa anymore and her chest hurt a little in longing.

"Stay quiet. Just follow my lead okay?" Lexa whispered over to Clarke and she didn't know what else to do. They were nearing the gates and there were already three guards heading towards the two girls, each with a weapon aimed at Clarke defensively.

Lexa deliberately moved her horse in front of Clarke's, making sure she was putting herself between the armed guards and the blonde-haired girl.

She waved a hand to them as they eyed her injury suspiciously, clearly wondering how their leader had been hurt. It was more than obvious they'd blamed Clarke for it already.

Lexa ignored them however, raising her head above theirs as she dismounted her horse, gesturing for Clarke to do the same. The blonde-haired girl mirrored Lexa, afraid to make a wrong move in case the guards reacted badly, even if she knew Lexa would protect her.

Lexa then looked at Clarke over her shoulder, nodding her forward to come and stand beside her. Her harsh glare made Clarke look down and she walked forward slowly until she was beside Lexa.

That's when Clarke felt a gentle grip on her arm just above her elbow and she looked up, meeting Lexa's eyes. It shocked Clarke to see the Commander's eyes look so soft again and Lexa smiled at her faintly before she leaned in, her breath against Clarke's neck.

"It's going to be okay. I promise." She said and Clarke's eyes widened as her lips parted to speak. Lexa's hand trailed upwards from her elbow to her neck and then up to her cheek as she caressed it. Lexa then pulled Clarke in before she could ask what was happening and kissed her deeply.

Clarke's eyes widened further as she hesitated at first before she kissed Lexa back. What was she doing? This was risky. But in this moment, Clarke didn't care as she brought her hands up to Lexa's hair and knotted her fingers into it. Clarke could hear her own heartbeat pounding in her ears loudly but even over the sound and the sensations her body was feeling, she still heard the faint thud of the guards dropping their weapons in shock.

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