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When the pair reached the river Clarke felt almost awkward as she fetched all the correct medical supplies and laid them out on the grass beside the thundering water. Every so often a cool splash of the foam would spit against her cheeks and it felt nice, like tiny pin-pricks of cold that broke up the hotness of the blush on her cheeks.

Lexa sat down on the grass, pulling away her armour-which was mostly broken anyway- and setting it down calmly. Her weapon was leaning against a nearby rock and Clarke was quite surprised at how far away Lexa had left it, clearly trusting the Skaikru leader at her word. The sun shone down upon the two girls and Clarke could feel the faint warmth on her back as she selected the cleanest looking bandages she could find and stretched them out.
Lexa waited patiently, removing her shirt and keeping her back to Clarke all the while. The Commander was trusting of Clarke and she didn't believe the girl would ever harm her whilst her back was turned. Clarke came over and sat behind Lexa, crossing her legs as she let her eyes drift over the Commander's tattooed back. The black markings were a mixture of circles and lines and Clarke couldn't help but trace her finger along the pattern of one.
"These are...beautiful." She said softly, her eyes following the curve of the tattoos which seemed to fit so well with the curve of Lexa's body. Like the tattoos were really a part of her.

Clarke felt Lexa's skin shiver beneath the touch and she withdrew her hand for a moment before Lexa just spoke softly, her head down.
"I got it on my ascension day." She explained and Clarke couldn't help but bring her  hand back towards the warmth of the Commander's skin again, her forefinger tracing the black lines.
"A circle for every Nightblood that died...and the commander chose me." She explained, her voice trailing off a little as Clarke counted the circles in Lexa's tattoo.
"7 circles... I thought you said that there were 9 initiates in your conclave?" She asked and Lexa paused for a moment.
"There were.." Clarke felt like she was playing a dangerous game by prying more about the matter but she had to know.
"And what happened to number 8?" She asked and the brown-haired-girl just swallowed and shook her head.
"Can we talk about something else?" She asked and Clarke was shocked to see this sort of vulnerability in Lexa again. She nodded slowly and brought her hand away from her back.
"We don't have to talk at all.." She said, and instead she began to work at healing Lexa's wounds, glancing every so often at the sword placed against the rock, wondering if she could reach it.

As the girls sat in silence Clarke couldn't help but think deeply about what Lexa had said. Why had she revealed such close truths about herself? It didn't seem like her at all.

Clarke eventually healed Lexa's wounds, keeping her eyes up in the professional manner that her mother had always taught her. Although she never made eye-contact with the Commander and she wasn't sure if she wanted to either.

Lexa stood up when Clarke had finished, pulling her shirt back on and bowing her head to the blonde-haired-girl.
"Thank you.." She said, pausing slightly as if she had something else to say. But her voice just trailed and she shook her head, glancing briefly to the faint sounds of where the other Grounders were setting up camp. They were quite far away and Clarke hadn't noticed until now that the two girls weren't even visible from the bustling camp.

Once again she found herself looking to the rock where Lexa's sword was rested. The healer was much closer to it than the Commander and Lexa's back was turned as she fumbled with her armour again. Clarke couldn't miss this opportunity. She just couldn't..

Her body jerked forward and she scrambled for the sword, breathing an inward sigh of relief at feeling the cold metal against her palm. It seemed to chill her to the bone and she could hear alarms whirring in her head as she turned the sword on Lexa, tackling the other girl to the ground and pressing the blade to her throat.

Lexa's eyes looked a little shocked but they hadn't widened in the slightest. Her arms were open and it was almost as if she had expected Clarke to attack her.
"Clarke.." She said cautiously, trying to prop herself onto her elbows but the blonde girl didn't give her the chance, pressing the blade down firmer and pushing Lexa back down to the ground.
"Don't you dare speak. If you breathe a word then I'll kill you." She snapped, although she could feel her hand shaking around the blade. Why was she so reluctant to kill Lexa? Before now she knew she wouldn't have hesitated, but something had changed.

"Come on Clarke. What are you waiting for? Just kill her. You didn't hesitate when it was me.."
Clarke heard a voice and she looked up from the Commander to see Finn standing motionlessly with an ashen face, looking at her. She felt her breathing hitch and her hand shake more.
"F-Finn?" She choked out of shock and she felt Lexa follow Clarke's gaze, frowning when she couldn't see who Clarke was talking to. She looked back to Clarke in concern, even with the blade still at her throat.

"Clarke. There's no one there. You're hallucinating...Just, calm down okay?" She said but Clarke shook her head violently, ignoring the Commander.

"I'm scared Finn." She whispered, tears forming at her eyes but the boy just let out a dry laugh.
"What are you scared of? That she'll be one more body on your list?"
She felt the words like a hit to her gut and she let out a sob.
"No!" She cried " me." More tears ran down her cheeks and Lexa flinched slightly beneath the blonde-haired-girl as she saw her hallucination growing worse. Lexa knew that Clarke had never been the same since she'd been forced to kill Finn but she had no idea that it was this severe.

"Why would I help you? Only you can help yourself. After all, there's no one in this world that cares for you anymore right? Not after you killed me.."
He smiled bitterly and deep-down Clarke knew that this wasn't Finn. This wasn't the same person whom she'd loved.

Her knuckles became white around the sword and she could feel how unsteady the blade was as she desperately wanted this image to be the real Finn.
"Please stop! I love you." She cried but it was only greeted by a blank expression from Finn.

"If you love me then kill her.."
She looked down at Lexa, who's eyes were still rimmed with black. As she gazed into their azure centres she could only see a killer. Her cold and harsh demeanour only added to the image. Lexa had killed Octavia. Blood must have blood.

Clarke raised the blade above Lexa's chest, bringing it away from her throat and letting out a soft sigh. The blonde-girl smiled weakly at Finn.
"Th-this is what you want right? I'll do it, I'll do it for you-"
Suddenly Clarke felt something wrap around her middle and she felt her eyes widen. She looked and saw Lexa, her arms wrapped tightly around Clarke in an embrace with her head resting atop Clarke's shoulder.

"Stay with me. This isn't real." Lexa whispered and for a moment, Clarke could barely breath. The warmth that enveloped her body made her feel like all of this was just a dream. She glanced to where Finn was stood only moments before but he was gone now and all Clarke could feel was the tightness and security of Lexa's arms around her. Tears still dampened her face and she was shaking so much that she dropped the blade with a soft thud onto the grass beside them.

Clarke wanted to pull away but at the same time she felt like if she did then she'd fall right back into the darkness again. Lexa was the only thing keeping her from falling out of reality and all Clarke could do was rest her head against Lexa's shoulder and sob.

She half expected the Commander to pull away with her usual cold gaze but she didn't. Instead, Lexa just stroked Clarke's hair soothingly as she cried away the last of the nightmare she'd just relived, staying close to her until she knew for certain that the blonde-haired-girl was safely back to reality.


My apologies for not posting this part sooner, a lot of things happened and I also went away for a couple of days.

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