For My Help

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The night that followed was a cold one and it wasn't long before the small fire had long since died out. Clarke could see her own breath as she brought her knees up to her chest, trying her best to preserve body heat. She kept checking on Lexa every now and then but she knew the girl was alright.

There was only one sleep sack in the bag Lexa had brought and Clarke was cursing herself for leaving so suddenly and not grabbing one. The blankets were wrapped around Lexa and to Clarke the sight was almost inviting. Like she could crawl under the covers beside Lexa and drift straight back to sleep.

She let out a soft groan of annoyance at herself and nuzzled her face into her own arms. She had to stop thinking like this. Lexa was nothing to her. The only reason she was looking after her was because if Lexa died then the next Commander would almost certainly kill her. That was it.


Clarke looked up from her arms and glanced over at Lexa, jumping slightly as she saw that her eyes were open and that the girl was looking at her. Suddenly her face felt hot and she was glad that it was so dark as she knew she was blushing.

"Are you okay?" Clarke asked Lexa, trying to draw the attention away from herself. Lexa just kept looking at Clarke in an almost wistful way before she finally blinked and her eyes sobered.

"Yes. I'm fine. But I don't think I could say the same for you." She replied. Her voice was raspy and sounded tired even though she'd slept and Clarke tilted her head.

"Me?" Then she realised she was shivering uncontrollably, even if it wasn't visible, the vapour that came from her mouth was and she could feel goosebumps forming on her skin from the cold.

"You look frozen." Lexa stated matter-of-factly which almost made Clarke think she wasn't going to follow it up but she was wrong, Lexa shuffled a little closer and reached an arm out to feel Clarke's. It hurt a little to move but the Commander resisted as she touched Clarke's skin and nearly recoiled her fingers when she saw the startled look on the blonde girl's face. However, she kept her hand where it was and she could feel the icy coldness seeping into her palm from Clarke's soft skin.

The warmth felt intoxicating and Clarke had to look down as she blushed more at Lexa's touch, tugging her arm away and snapping slightly.
"I'll be fine."
"Maybe so. But you're no use to anyone if you freeze to death in the process."

Clarke opened her mouth to reply but she knew it was pointless. Lexa was right, she felt chilled to the bone. But what would Lexa do if she admitted that? There wasn't much she could do.

"Yeah. I suppose I'm a little cold." She said bluntly, looking at Lexa who nodded and shuffled closer again. Clarke was confused for a brief moment. Is she trying to use body heat?

She didn't know but she didn't feel any warmer.
"Urm...I don't understand. That didn't do anything-"

Before Clarke could fully breathe the last word she heard a rustle and saw Lexa shift in the darkness. That's when an almost numbing sensation of warmth washed over her and she couldn't help but let out a surprised sigh as she felt Lexa's arm over her. It took a few seconds until she realised that the dark-haired-girl had wrapped the blanket over her as well, shifting as she covered every inch of Clarke's skin. For some reason Clarke held her breath, not daring to breathe until Lexa had finished covering her and had withdrawn her arm again.

It was comfortably warm under the covers and Clarke couldn't help but snuggle into them, smelling Lexa's scent all over the covers. She wondered if she should care that she was in such close proximity of Lexa but she didn't. She didn't feel awkward or nervous. Just safe and warm. Something she hadn't felt in a while.

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