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"Maybe you should tell her Commander, she has a right to know.."

"She can't know."

Lexa's voice sounded faintly in Clarke's ears, it sounded far away and she could hear another voice that she couldn't identify. Clarke was still laid in bed, the covers wrapped around her to shield her bare skin from the cold air of the room.

Her head felt heavy and her muscles ached as she came around from the clutches of sleep.

"Lexa?" She mumbled, her voice cracking and she heard the faint mutterings stop.

"Is she awake?" Clarke heard the unfamiliar voice ask, it was definitely male and it had a distinct sound.

"Lexa." Clarke groaned again, sitting up now, holding the covers to herself to keep her body covered. Her tired eyes rested on two figures standing side-by-side, looking down at her from where they both stood by the door.

Almost instantly, Clarke registered the shape of Lexa, although her eyes had a hard set to them and her posture told Clarke that she was tense and anxious. The other figure was that of a man. He stood about the same height as Lexa and his head was completely bald. His lips were set into a stern and serious line which made Clarke want to shrink back from it. She recognised his face and she knew she'd seen him around before, although his name had since slipped her memory.

"Titus. You should leave us, I wish to speak with Clarke alone." Lexa said, fixing him with her emerald eyes, daring him to refuse. He did no such thing however as he bowed his head respectfully and turned to leave, flashing a look to Clarke that seemed strange. Sympathetic.

As the door closed behind the man Lexa let out a sigh, her shoulders rolling forward tiredly and she rubbed her brow. Clarke looked at the girl in front of her as she got up from the bed and fumbled for her clothes.

"Lexa, what the hell is going on? What is it you're not telling me?"

The other girl visibly flinched, looking away from Clarke but as the blonde-girl shrugged on her shirt, she came towards her. Clarke grabbed Lexa's arm, pulling her to face her as she kept her gaze.

"Lexa." She snapped "Please. You said you wanted to look out for me. So tell me.." Her voice was stern and unwavering as Lexa tugged her arm away, raising both of her hands in surrender.

Clarke's mind was whizzing with possibilities and she knew that she still hadn't come to terms with how quickly Lexa's mood could change. It was like she was living several lives and that she was trying to please everyone whilst also keeping her heart open for Clarke.

"It's Arcadia." Lexa said gravely, not greeting Clarke's gaze as she paced lightly.
"They launched an attack in the early hours of this morning. Not only did they breach the laws of the 13 clans, they also slaughtered 300 of our warriors." Her voice wavered on these words, breaking off in anger and Clarke's mouth slacked.

"Mom." She whispered to herself, feeling her heart pounding in her chest. She felt sick all of a sudden.

"How many Skaikru.." She asked and Lexa just looked at Clarke angrily.

"The number is unknown but you don't seem to understand. We're at war Clarke and you can't dwindle between sides. This can't go unpunished, blood must have blood." Clarke's blood ran cold as she looked at her lover. Was Lexa serious? She wouldn't really kill her..would she?

Clarke took a few tentative steps back, feeling the door press against her back. Her hands searched behind her. If she could just find the door handle..

"Wait Clarke." Lexa said, stepping closer to her, grabbing her arm gently and shaking her head.
"I'm not going to hurt you. Please, just listen to me. I can get you safe passage out of here but it has to be now." Her voice was hurried and Clarke realised that Lexa wasn't going to kill her, she was going to save her. Betraying her own people in the process.

"I'm not leaving you." Clarke protested, horrified at the idea of leaving the brown-haired girl's side.

"Please!" Lexa cried suddenly and Clarke jumped, noticing tears welling in Lexa's eyes.

She cared so much and it was even evident in her gestures. The way her hand gripped Clarke's arm so tightly, her urgency and how her eyes looked so scared. Clarke shook her head, caressing Lexa's cheek softly with her other hand, gently leaning in and pressing a soft kiss to her lips.

"I'm not leaving you." Clarke repeated, resting her forehead against Lexa's and looking into her eyes again, trying her best to calm Lexa down.

"They'll kill you Clarke. I can't control them forever. All it takes is for someone to sneak into your room with a knife and I won't be able to stop it."

"I trust you." Clarke said simply and pulled away from Lexa, her fingers interlacing with the other girl's.
"I want to fight with you. Arcadia has gone too far and Jaha is corrupting everyone. Even mom." Her lip trembled a little as Abby flashed into her mind.

"But please, if you can spare those who already fight against Jaha. I know Skaikru doesn't deserve your sympathy, but I'm begging you. Blood must not have blood."

Lexa's eyes widened as she took in what Clarke had said. It was a bold statement and one that would've most likely had her killed under other circumstances.

"I can't promise anything. But I will try-" Lexa's last word was suddenly drowned out by a blood-curdling scream that echoed in the air. Clarke flinched and her skin prickled with angst. The sound was familiar and she gasped to herself, turning quickly and opening the door. The blonde-haired girl took off down the hall, hearing the screams get louder and louder as she neared the source of the sound.

"No no no." She cursed, praying to herself that it wasn't what she thought it was. Lexa's voice cried after her.

"Clarke no! Wait!" Clarke was vaguely aware of Lexa's footsteps following her but the blue-eyed girl was already far ahead.

The hallway thinned out of people and Clarke stopped abruptly outside a door, it was small and tucked away. She'd never noticed it until now but the wood was frayed and splintered, like someone had kicked it in a struggle. The screams were almost deafening as Clarke burst through the door, hearing the wood creak.

For a moment, the room seemed empty and dark but as Clarke's eyes adjusted she saw the faint flickering of candles (Lexa's favourite ;)) illuminating a dark liquid on the floor. It looked black in the dim light but the metallic smell made Clarke shiver. The sticky blood covered almost every inch of the floor and as Clarke looked up she saw two silhouettes.

One was broad and muscular, holding a long weapon in hand that dripped with more of the crimson liquid. The weapon glinted slightly and then Clarke noticed a table beside the figure which was host to an array of silver instruments. Some were spiked, some were barbed but the one in the figure's hand was serrated. These were clearly weapons meant for torture.

The second figure was that of a girl and she sat at the centre of the room with her hands bound behind her. She was barely able to stay on her knees as she shook weakly. Blood dripped from her forehead and as she lifted her head to look at Clarke it ran in a thin stream across her cheek. The girl's eyes widened in recognition as she saw Clarke and she shifted slightly, moving forward, mouthing her name through beaten lips.

Clarke already recognised the familiar dark hair and she almost toppled as images of flames flashed behind her eyes and her breathing stopped. The memories were that vivid that Clarke felt like she was almost choking on the acrid smoke again. This was all a dream, it had to be. This girl was dead, Clarke had watched her die..

"Octavia?" Clarke whispered in disbelief
*Im so sorry about how late this upload has been. My phone basically needed replacing and I've felt too stressed recently to properly write anything worth reading xD Also, I went on holiday for a week and etc. I hope this cliffhanger made up for it!*

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