Nothing's Fair in Love And War

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The words that escaped Clarke's lips were barely a whisper and it was clear that the guard hadn't noticed her presence, even if Octavia had.

His fingers twitched around the hilt of his weapon as he sneered something at the brown-haired girl in Trigedasleng, clearly enjoying his job too much. Octavia flinched and Clarke had almost forgotten that Octavia could understand a little of the language.

He put the weapon down on the table and he let his fingers trail over all of the other blood-soaked metal tools, stopping briefly as if in realisation. Clarke wanted to shout at him but at the same time she wanted to make the most of her element of surprise. Slowly, she edged closer, feeling her feet stick to the drying blood on the floor.

The guard moved again, this time, reaching into his pocket and pulling out a jar. Clarke stopped and squinted to see what it contained, although the darkness ailed her. As he brought it into the light Clarke could've sworn she saw something...move.

He tipped the contents into his hand and walked over to Octavia, growling at her as he tipped her head back, bringing his other hand forward. Finally, his hand caught the light and Clarke saw a long squirming insect pinched between his forefinger and thumb. It looked like a worm except it's tail was barbed with a thick spike and its body was scaled like a snake.

The blonde-haired girl gasped softly as he spoke in broken English, pointing to the insect.
"Pestigua. Buries deep inside skull, slowly eats away at flesh." He chuckled and Clarke expected him to try putting the insect inside her ear but he didn't. Instead he reached forward and used his thumb to pull on her bottom eyelid, holding her eye open as he slowly lowered the insect towards her eye.

"No!" Clarke cried and quickly felt her muscles jerk into action. She dashed forward and kicked the back of the guard's knee, causing his leg to crumple beneath him as he cried out in pain.

The blonde-girl then quickly grabbed a weapon from the table, although it was slick with Octavia's blood. It curled like a scythe and it had teeth that snaked all around the length of the blade, she dare not wonder what this sort of weapon could do. Clarke raised it defensively in front of her as she shielded Octavia from the potential attacker. He grunted in surprise as he staggered to his feet, readying himself to launch at the pair, a look of pure rage on his face.

"Adam.." A voice like ice sounded behind him and he turned to see who had spoken, as did Clarke. Lexa stood in the doorway, the faint light from the corridor making a backdrop of white behind her. Relief swelled through Clarke's body, although as she looked into Lexa's eyes all she could see was fire. A look ready to kill.

Lexa stepped into the room painfully slowly, every step gentle but venomous on the crimson floor. She circled the guard- named Adam so it appeared- and eyed him up and down like a predator. She looked ready to tear into him and Clarke could almost feel the rage radiating from her every pore. It felt intimidating and Clarke knew that Octavia could feel it too.

The room was eerily silent and Clarke wanted desperately for someone to speak, to break the terrifying silence.

That's when Clarke heard the sound of material ruffle and saw Lexa's arm shoot out, grabbing Adam's shoulder and turning him roughly. She dug her nails into his shoulder and grabbed his other arm. The insect still wriggled between Adam's fingers and Lexa prised his mouth open, forcing Adam's hand over his mouth.

She hissed angrily in her native language as the insect hung suspended above his open mouth. He shook his head and appeared to be begging but Lexa dug her nails in deeper, saying the same words again, giving him a glare that told him that the experience would be painful either way. Adam looked at Clarke now and he had tears in his eyes.

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