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*Just a brief reader precaution, this next chapter does contain sexual content. If you're not comfortable then please don't read on. This was originally going to be one chapter but due to length I thought I'd split it so this explains the double upload. But anyway, enjoy ;)*

Clarke grinned softly into Lexa's skin, glad they were both thinking alike even if Clarke had never felt more nervous in her life. Sure, she'd slept with girls before now but this seemed different. She felt like she had to please Lexa but deep down she could tell that the dark-haired girl was just as nervous as she was.

Clarke's kisses stopped when they reached the hem of Lexa's shirt and instead she rose her head again, locking her lips with the other girl's.

Lexa kissed back with the same quick pace and Clarke groaned from the satisfaction of the feeling. As the kiss began to intensify once more she felt Lexa push her back onto the bed so that she was on top of her. Clarke could feel the slight pressure of Lexa's body resting on hers and she let her hands trail down Lexa's waist, her fingers curling into her shirt.

Just as Clarke was about to pull it off she felt Lexa's hips begin to grind against hers and her eyes widened. The added friction between their bodies made Clarke moan again and she pushed her hips up against Lexa.

She felt Lexa's tongue trace across her lips and she opened her mouth in return, giving Lexa her full permission as she felt her tongue slide into her mouth and Clarke met it with her own, letting their tongues play with each other. The blonde-haired girl wrapped her legs around Lexa and she felt Lexa grab her thighs to keep them there as she kept pushing their hips together in gentle thrusts. It felt incredible and the sensation was only made more pleasurable when the dark-haired girl broke away from the kiss to gently nibble and suck at Clarke's neck. She was already being driven insane, every muscle in her body craving this.

Clarke brought her hands up and tugged at Lexa's shirt which made her stop kissing Clarke's neck for a moment as she let the blonde-girl remove her shirt which was swiftly followed by her own. Their skin felt hot against each other's and Lexa slowly began to kiss lower and lower, moving from Clarke's neck to her collarbones, to her breasts, her abdomen and finally she stopped when she reached her waistband. She allowed her tongue to gently slide over it teasingly before she glanced up at Clarke, panting softly. Her face was flushed and her hair was strewn but as Clarke looked into those perfect eyes of hers she could see her asking for permission. It was a look that made Clarke's heart beat faster, a look that told her that Lexa was willing to stop at any moment if the other girl said so.

The blonde-haired girl smiled softly and pushed Lexa's hair out of her face.
"It's okay. I want this..I want you." If only she could've photographed that moment, Lexa's expression was completely faultless. She looked so happy and yet at the same time her eyes held a hint of adoration that made Clarke feel like this was more than just sex.

Lexa began to tug at Clarke's pants, pulling them down and making sure to kiss every inch of skin as she tossed them aside. She kissed Clarke's hips softly and then finally pulled her underwear away, feeling Clarke push her hips upwards to make it easier. Lexa bit her lip as she placed a hand on each of Clarke's knees, spreading her legs before she slowly pushed her head between them.

She placed a gentle kiss on Clarke's inner thighs, hearing her partner moan from the anticipation and Lexa could tell that she was managing to please Clarke.

She moved her head forward and slowly dragged her tongue up Clarke's slit, gently tracing circles around her clit before she prodded at her entrance. She took a moment to appreciate Clarke's moans and the feeling of her hands knotting into her hair before she finally pushed her tongue in.

Clarke moaned loudly, unable to form words as she felt her whole body tingled from the pressure of Lexa's tongue. She pushed it in and out expertly and Clarke pushed her hips up against Lexa, making her tongue go as deep as it could. This continued for a few minutes and it wasn't long before Clarke could feel herself close to climaxing. Although she'd barely whispered the words before Lexa knew and she deliberately moved her tongue faster, urging her girlfriend.

Clarke couldn't stop herself as she moaned Lexa's name so loudly that she was surprised that the whole of Polis hadn't heard as she finally climaxed.

She laid there for a few breathless moments as Lexa cleaned her up and finally dropped down beside her, her breathing heavy. Clarke turned over to look at her and she could tell that Lexa was nervous about how everything had happened but Clarke tried to reassure her by gently kissing her lips.

"It's alright, okay? That was...incredible."

"It's not that. I just didn't want things to go too fast... I mean, you've got what you want now right? I don't want you to leave me." She said and Clarke raised her eyebrows, shaking her head quickly.

"That's not going to happen Lexa. I said I wanted you, not sex. I couldn't care less about that, I just want to know that I've got you and that I can keep you." Clarke said as she wrapped her arms around Lexa, trying to reassure her that she didn't want to leave.

"You'll always have me.." She whispered as she closed her eyes tiredly  and Clarke smiled, pressing a kiss between her brows before she leaned her head against her lover's chest.

There was another comfortable silence between them as Lexa drifted to sleep quickly and Clarke smiled to herself. This was real. This was Lexa.

"I'm in love with you.." The blonde-haired girl whispered but she knew that Lexa was fast asleep already.

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