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Lexa's body crumpled to the ground and Clarke could clearly see the sword still buried deep inside her stomach, black blood oozing from the freshly opened wound.

She didn't remember moving forward and kneeling at her side but she must've, as when her mind finally began to register everything, Clarke was already working at Lexa's wound.

The crowd was almost deafening as they swarmed Octavia, it took all the strength of the surrounding guards to drag her away as Clarke looked up through teared eyes.

Octavia didn't scream, or even struggle. Instead she kept her eyes locked with Clarke's as she was taken into a nearby building by the guards who were frantically trying to stop the crowd from getting to her. All the while, a thin smirk was painted at Octavia's lips, but there was no happiness in it, only a bitter flash, like that of a serpent. It made Clarke's skin crawl with anger and if it weren't for Lexa then the blonde-haired girl would've gladly wiped the smile from Octavia's face.

Angry growls came from the crowd as Octavia's underfed and bloodied form was dragged out of sight and attention was now returned to Lexa. She laid with her head in Clarke's lap, a makeshift bandage around her middle where Clarke had tried to stop the bleeding. Lexa's lips looked a pale grey colour and her face was sunken from the blood-loss, the only real indication that she was still alive was from her eyelids which fluttered with pain at intervals.

"Lexa please. Hold on for me. You're stronger than this. You're stronger than her.." Clarke poured all the malice she had into the single word, showing her every ounce of hatred for Octavia.
"I love you. You can't leave me, not now." Clarke's voice cracked as she looked down at Lexa, feeling her body grow heavier and heavier with each passing moment as if it was ready to fail her at any second.

That's when Clarke felt a firm hand on her shoulder and she looked up to see the same bald-headed figure as before. Titus?

"Please step aside Clarke." He said solemnly and she felt her jaw drop as her arms tightened around Lexa and she covered her protectively.

"What? No. I'm not leaving her."

"You have to. She would want this." Clarke felt like her heart had been torn open. Why was he speaking as if she was dead? She wasn't, was she?

Clarke looked down at Lexa and saw no sign of life, her eyelids had stopped fluttering and suddenly bile rose in Clarke's throat.

"No.." She whispered and all of her pain suddenly returned to her as she felt her own body begin to shut down.
"Please, no." Tears stung Clarke's eyes and she felt Titus grip her shoulder again as her tears fell into the blood-soaked Earth beside Lexa's body.

"I'm sorry Wanheda.. Maybe it's best for you to say your goodbyes now. Whilst her spirit is still in this body.." All of this felt unreal, Clarke's world had only just settled and now it was all unraveling again. Lexa couldn't be dead, she wasn't..

Clarke didn't know what to do, her hands knotted tightly into Lexa's hair and as she sobbed, all she could do was whisper softly the words she'd heard spoken so many times before now. Her heart was barely coping as she choked out her next words.

"I-in peace may you leave the shore.." She bit her lip as she tried to steady her breathing and make her words clear.
"In love may you find the next. S-safe passage on your travels...until our final journey to the ground.." Clarke struggled with her emotions as she felt how rapid her breathing was and she barely had the strength to say her next words.

"May me meet again.." Clarke looked up helplessly to the crowd and she realised that they had all fallen silent, listening carefully to the heartfelt words of the stricken girl. They no longer saw her as an enemy, but as someone who was feeling the loss of the Commander just as much as they all were. In that moment, Clarke Kom Skaikru was mourning, and all of Trikru were mourning with her.

Moments of this silence passed and not even Titus dared to break it, he instead looked on whilst no one spoke a word. It must've only lasted a few moments however, as one weak voice finally spoke and broke the Grounders from the trance they were all still in.

"S-shut up Griffin.." Clarke's eyes shot open and suddenly she felt a surge through her heart at the familiar voice which only triggered her tears again. She looked down and saw Lexa smiling at her softly but weakly, blood trickling from the corner of her mouth as she forced her eyes open.

"And you.." She tilted her head to look at the bald-headed man.

"Titus, you old fool. I-I'm not dead yet." She chuckled which turned into a wheezing cough and it was evident that Lexa was still extremely weak. Clarke was shaking as she immediately scooped the girl into a shocked embrace, clinging to her tightly as she could barely catch her breath.

"Lexa! Thank god. I thought you were-" Her lips trembled and she shook her head, feeling her nerves tingle as she felt Lexa's skin against hers, colder than usual but very much alive.

"I thought I'd lost you.." Clarke felt Lexa flinch slightly and she blinked slowly, coughing again.

"I promised I'd be there f-for you." She said, although her voice was growing fainter and Clarke held her tighter.

"Lexa, stay awake!" She cried, shaking her slightly as she tried to keep the brown-haired girl's mind focused. Although before Clarke could speak again she was swarmed by Grounders and she felt Lexa get pulled away from her.

"Hey, no! What are you doing?!" She kicked and struggled as she watched three Grounders appear at Lexa's side, putting her gently onto a homemade stretcher and supporting her body which was now limp. Clarke was being held back by Titus himself as he shook his head.

"It's okay Clarke. They'll do what they can to save the Commander, but you've got to calm down."

"No, I don't want to leave her!" Clarke kicked Titus and he let out a pained gasp but she felt another Grounder guard grab her and pull her further away from Lexa as the stretcher was taken back towards the main building. Tears made her skin tingle as she thrashed and kicked at the guard but he held her in a vicelike grip.

"This is for the best." He told her. But Clarke knew better


"How is she?" Clarke asked the healer, nibbling at her nails nervously. She hadn't slept for the past two nights since Lexa was taken into the infirmary and it showed. Her posture was slack and her eyes had deep black circles under them from lack of sleep. She'd also lost a little weight, the stress making her not want to eat whilst she knew Lexa was still critical.

"She'll survive." He replied curtly, his neck tattoos moving with the vibrations of his speech. He spoke quite well for a Grounder and he seemed very fluent in his pronunciation as well.
"Nothing vital was damaged, although she lost a lot of blood. Night blood is a unique thing, it's difficult to heal that quickly without a transfusion. She's strong and she'll be fully recovered within the next few weeks, but that all depends on how stable the wound is and the risk of infection."

"Can I see her?" Clarke enquired, desperately wishing she could see Lexa and see for herself how the Commander was doing. However, the healer frowned.

"I'm afraid not." He sighed.
"She's still too weak at the moment to receive visitors, but you'll be the first to know when she is ready." Clarke felt a little disappointed but she just wanted Lexa to get better, so she nodded slowly, turning away from the doctor and starting to walk away.

"Well thank you." She said over her shoulder. "As long as she's okay."

"Wait, Wanheda." Clarke stopped in her tracks and looked at the healer, titling her head as his words stopped her.

"Although the Commander is unable to receive visitors, she did pass on a message for you." The blonde-haired girl turned fully now, paying full attention as she raised her eyebrows in expectation, her heart elating at the fact  that Lexa was well enough to pass on a message.

"She said that she's in love with you too, she never got the chance to say it back."

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