In the End

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"You look amazing..." Lexa said, smiling a little breathlessly as she looked at Clarke. The blonde blushed and shook her head, her hair bobbing with each movement.

"Hardly. I this even appropriate? I feel a little overdressed." Lexa immediately shook her head as she once again looked the Sky Girl up and down. Clarke was wearing a long golden dress that trailed along the floor as she walked. It glimmered slightly in the flickering candlelight and Clarke's eyes looked piercing as the light reflected them perfectly.

She had golden makeup around her eyes to match and each time she turned her head, Lexa felt her heart skip a beat. The brunette stepped closer slowly, a small smile across her lips as she looked anywhere but at Clarke. She almost felt embarrassed to be looking at her for too long and a slight blush spread across the Commander's cheeks. She was glad to be here and she was glad that the fighting had at least quieted for now. Although she knew that the steady alliance that gripped the 13 clans was an unstable one.

It had been almost a month since Azgeda and Skaikru had attacked the Grounders and it had taken just as long to settle the alliance. Lexa had barely had chance to see Clarke since the fighting had begun and over the past month she had really missed the sight of seeing her girlfriend. But as she looked at her now, the waiting felt more than worth it.

"I love you.." Lexa smiled softly, still keeping her gaze down before she felt Clarke cup her chin and raise it so that Lexa was looking at her. Clarke pulled Lexa closer to her and gently pressed her lips against hers.

"I love you too." Clarke said, almost too quietly to hear but Lexa smiled against Clarke's lips and let her hands rest on the other girl's hips. They kissed like this for a few moments before Clarke knotted her hands into Lexa's hair and the kiss grew more heated. But after a few seconds, Lexa quickly pulled away, wide-eyed with her pupils dilated. Clarke looked the same but Lexa panted softly and smirked at Clarke.

"Can we wait until later? Please..?" She asked, biting her lip as she looked away again, feeling guilty for the thoughts that had crossed her mind. Although the blonde seemed sympathetic and she nodded slowly, clearly thinking similar things to Lexa.

The two parted but as they brought their gaze up to meet each other's, the adoration was clear between them. They thought the world of one another and it was clear to see that they were both grateful that they'd come this far.

"You really do look beautiful." Lexa smiled, her eyes looking almost as piercing as Clarke's as she slowly-but reluctantly- walked away from the blonde, blowing out the candle's in the chamber. Clarke smiled fondly and shook her head once again.

"I could say the same about you, Commander." The strangely formal tone made Lexa turn and smirk at Clarke.

"Excuse me? Are we not even on first name terms now Sky Girl?" Clarke smirked in return and sighed, walking out of the room beside Lexa. They headed down the hall as there was a faint smell of food, making Clarke realise how hungry she was. She could hear voices but they seemed distant and she knew that she was dreading facing people. The feast was a great honour and few were allowed to attend but that didn't make the blonde feel any happier.

Lexa picked up on this and she stopped walking as the pair reached the doors to the main hall. Clarke could hear the voices a lot louder now from behind the large wooden doors, and even the ancient oak couldn't hold back the drunken jeers of the 13 clans.

Although one voice was most noticeable above the rest. It was female and it rang out powerfully. It was clear that she was singing and her voice sliced through the cacophonous noise  with ease. The Sky Girl furrowed her brow softly as she tried to decipher the Trigedasleng words.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 06, 2017 ⏰

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