Happy Hurts

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"You can't be serious Lexa.." Clarke said breathlessly, her face an expression of pure horror. Surely she hadn't seriously asked that?

"And what about my friends? My mom?" She pried and Lexa exhaled deeply, looking her dead in the eyes.

"I-I can't help that. You said there was a group working against Jaha? Maybe your m-mom finally realised-"

"Shut up.." Clarke balled her hands into fists. "Just shut up, Heda. I can't believe you." Lexa looked shocked as Clarke took a step away from the bed and began to pace.

"You have no idea what it means to betray everyone you love. I've already done that once because of you, it's my fault that missile hit. I could've warned them and you told me not to."

"I couldn't l-lose you-"

"Maybe you already have Lexa!" Clarke cried, tears welling in her eyes and Lexa jumped a little, wincing at the pain it caused her.

"C-Clarke? Please no, don't do this. Don't leave me." She said, sounding aghast that Clarke had even said such a thing. The Commander's heart throbbed painfully in her chest and she tried to reach out to the blonde-haired girl.

"I'm sorry Lexa. But slaughtering my own people is something I wouldn't even dream of. Even out of love it's still wrong and it disgusts me that you'd even ask that of me." She scrunched up her nose, just saying the words made bile rise in her throat. She sighed and stopped Lexa as she opened her pale lips to speak again.
"I don't want to have this conversation with you. Not now. I'm pretty sure my time with you is up now anyway, so get well Lexa." She said and then turned on her heel to walk away.

Meanwhile Lexa felt her stomach knot as she cried out for Clarke to stay, her voice cracking as tears streamed down her face but her pain stopped her from moving further. What did Clarke mean? 'Time is up'?

Clarke slammed the door behind her as she walked down the corridor of the hospital. The doctor stirred from where he was waiting outside when he saw her but she blanked him completely, keeping her head down and choking back her anger. Although as she neared the exit to the hospital she had to stop.

Her hands were shaking with rage as she imagined her mom and all of her friends laying dead. She'd already torn herself up over Octavia and she wasn't about to give herself another reason to be hated. Clarke clenched her fist again and turned, slamming her fist into the wall, which attracted the attention of two nearby guards. She felt the white-hot pain stab up her arm as she brought her hand away bloodied.

"Just calm down Wanheda." One of the guards said as she approached her. She had piercing amber eyes that glared at Clarke accusingly. Her fingers rested on the pommel of a barbed sword and judging by the worn condition of the handle, it had been used many times.

Although the blonde-haired girl just looked at the guard and laughed sharply, stepping forward so that she was only an inch from her, her jaw clenched.

"Why don't you make me, bitc-"

"Galysa, you're needed outside." The guard and her partner turned to see a breathless looking Grounder boy. His face was red and his breathing was quick, as if he'd ran straight to the hospital. The amber-eyed guard frowned.

"What is it?" She snapped

"Ice-Nation." The boy panted heavily, bending double and putting his hands on his knees as he caught his breath.

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