This Means War

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Ontari looked at Clarke in mild shock, their difference in frame was clear and yet the Sky Girl seemed unafraid to challenge the warrior.

"You talk fiercely, Wanheda." Ontari sneered and Clarke looked at her with a gaze like ice. Her eyes were sharply narrowed as Ontari was deliberately mocking her. Clarke chuckled darkly and clenched her jaw, stepping forward on her left foot and launching herself  at the warrior, but Ontari had a similar idea as the two collided to a chorus of metal armour meeting flesh.

Even the gasp that erupted from the crowd wasn't enough to drown out the noise as Clarke was knocked to her feet by the larger girl. Ontari moved swiftly and landed a sharp kick to the blonde girl's ribs which was answered with a cry of pain.

The warrior smirked as she brought her foot back again but this time Clarke rolled aside, grabbing Ontari's ankle as it brushed past her face and twisting it violently. The bones inside snapped loudly and the warrior let out a stifled cry as she fell to the ground, sending up a small dust cloud.

The crowd cheered encouragingly as Clarke scrambled to her feet and Ontari gripped her ankle gently, glaring up at her. As the Sky Girl towered over her, all Ontari could think was how much Clarke looked like Lexa in that moment. Her eyes were ringed with black Nightblood and her gaze held the same glint that the Commander herself has once possessed. Ontari recognised
it as a look of retribution. A look of someone defending a loved one.

The blonde-haired girl clenched her fists as she leaned over the fallen girl,
quickly grabbing the sword that was at her hip and raising it high above her head. The crowd roared and Clarke smirked down at Ontari, poising herself to bring the sword down.

"You don't have the guts, Wanheda." The warrior chuckled, her hand still clutching her ankle as Clarke raised an eyebrow.
"Oh? Well they don't call me the Commander of Death just for fun Ontari." She said blankly before she raised the sword higher, bringing it down upon the warrior.

A loud clatter echoed through the air as the sword was flung from Clarke's hand. The blonde girl looked on in disbelief as Lexa stood beside her, her own sword gripped tightly. The brunette had clearly intercepted Clarke's blow and it took the Sky girl a few moments to realise that Lexa was genuinely in front of her and not still laying motionless in a hospital bunk.

Her face was still pale but the anger in her expression almost completely drowned out the faint colour. Her eyes looked enraged and Clarke felt herself cower a little as she looked on in disbelief.

"Clarke. Stop this, killing Ontari could ignite a war. We don't want that." Her voice was cool and calm but Clarke knew Lexa better than that. She was probably one of the only people that could truly tell when the Commander was angry. Clarke nodded slowly and took a step away from Ontari who was still hunched on the ground in agony.

Lexa stepped towards her with a stern crease between her eyebrows.

"You'd better have good reason for being here Ontari. Trikru isn't a force you want to be dealing with." Lexa made the threat sound so realistic but Clarke was evidently confused. Trikru were no match for Azgeda and even Lexa knew that.

Ontari shifted slightly, although she didn't show fear in the presence of the Commander and Lexa couldn't help but smirk softly at the bravery of the warrior.
"And still you won't speak? Then maybe a little pain will loosen your tongue." She gestured to Clarke to pass her the sword and the blonde-girl obeyed, passing it over. Lexa weighed the sword in her hand briefly, shifting the weight in her palm as she looked to almost be sizing it up. When she looked satisfied she walked over to Ontari, handling the sword with expert grace. The warrior appeared concerned and her face showed discomfort as she raised her hands defensively.

"Don't be so hasty Commander. I'm sure there's just been a mistake somewhere." She hissed and Lexa hesitated, clearly wishing to hear Ontari out before delivering a blow that could spark a war. Clarke felt her annoyance grow as she wished for all of this to be over.

Lexa swallowed a little and Clarke could've sworn that she saw Lexa hunch a little, her body slumping. That's when Clarke's eyes widened in realisation. Lexa hadn't healed, someone must've reported the conflict outside to her and she must've come straight from the infirmary.

Clarke stepped forward but as she reached out her arm to Lexa, an ear-piercing gunshot sounded and the crowd mumbled nervously. Clarke's jaw went slack as she looked at Ontari. Her eyes were draining of life and her body fell limply to the ground. Her head lolled to one side and Clarke could see clearly a large hole that was oozing blood. Someone had shot Ontari...

Lexa looked equally as shocked as she stood quietly, her eyes silently searching for the source of the sound. That's when a bitter laugh sounded and both of the girls snapped to attention, their eyes resting on a figure that stood upon the podium holding a gun. He had a cloak hiding his face but Clarke could see the bottom half of it and she shivered as she saw a wide grin of pleasure across the figure's lips.

"Long time no see, Clarke." Jaha said as he pulled back the hood, revealing his face to the crowd who all gasped quietly, not daring to speak a word. The blonde-girl's body felt weak as she looked at her former leader, feeling the weight on her shoulders grow as she felt heavier with responsibility. This was dangerous and Lexa knew that too. Jaha hadn't just killed Ontari, he'd started a war. A war between Skaikru, Trikru and now, Azgeda. The crowd grew more agitated and as the bellowing voices of the Grounders grew louder, Clarke knew it was a war that was going to begin immediately. She heard angry shouts and felt herself get pushed forward by a crowd of blood-thirsty warriors who swarmed the podium and the former Skaikru leader that stood atop it. She could barely breath as she tried to call over the thrum, but her cries were in vain as a loud creak echoed through the air, causing every single person in the street to turn towards the gate. The gates to Polis looked to be shuddering and Clarke squinted a little as they were finally  blasted open in a sea of debris.

Smoke billowed in the air and the Grounders coughed as it filled their lungs.

Clarke put her arm across her nose and mouth as she felt Lexa's hand grip her other arm and she looked at the brunette fearfully.

"What's happening?!" She called over the worried Grounder voices. Lexa's eyes narrowed and she gripped her sword a little tighter with her other hand. Clarke noticed this and she flinched at Lexa's worried expression.

"Skaikru.." she whispered, but Clarke read her lips and her eyes widened.
"They're inside Polis, and they're baying for blood."


Ugh, my apologies for this Chapter. It was mostly a filler and I also had a severe case of writer's block whilst I was writing it. So I'm sorry for how late this one is and how terrible it is xD But I'm planning to wrap this fanfic up in another chapter or two. I haven't decided yet, but I'm going to be starting on my latest one soon. But anyway, thank you all for your patience and once again, I apologise for the terrible content this time.

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