Under the Knife

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The smoke billowed thickly in the air and Clarke could barely see Lexa through it, despite the older girl only being a step beside her. A sense of angst gnawed at Clarke's mind and she pulled Lexa into her, wrapping her arms around the other girl tightly as the sound of gunshots fired loudly, making the blonde jump.

"I love you." Clarke whispered into Lexa's shoulder in a scared tone. Clarke knew that neither of them were likely to survive this and the blonde wanted to tell her lover how she felt, before it was too late to do so.

"I love you too Clarke. But we're not dead yet Griffin." Clarke looked at Lexa and saw a slight grin across her lips. Lexa looked serious but at the same time, Clarke noticed a hint of what could only be described as enjoyment. Lexa was revelling in the heat of the imminent fight, and she seemed confident that both of the girls would make it through it.

"I promised I'd protect you, and I'm not about to go back on that now." Lexa smirked and Clarke's eyes widened in surprise. She wanted to say more to Lexa but the brunette had already crouched down beside Ontari's body, taking the sword from it and handing it out to Clarke. The blonde hesitated before she took it and she looked at Lexa in confusion.

"Fight beside me Sky girl?" Lexa asked and for once, Clarke Griffin was speechless.
"We can end this. Together." Lexa said and something in her voice sounded so genuinely passionate and believable. The Sky girl smiled softly despite her fear as Lexa's confidence reflected in Clarke too and she sighed.

"Go float yourself Heda. I'm taking the glory for this." She smirked playfully before she took off into the throng of fighting and Lexa raised her eyebrows.

"Ladies first then?" She teased before Lexa took off as well, losing sight of Clarke instantly as she was swarmed by both Skaikru and Azgeda's warriors. It was impossible to turn back now and Lexa knew that. Only one clan could rule the other 12.

Clarke's eyes narrowed as she felt the sword weigh heavier in her hand now that Lexa wasn't beside her. She almost wished that she hadn't pretended that she wasn't afraid when she knew that she was terrified. The blonde bit her lip gently as she saw the silhouetted bodies of warriors clashing through the smoke and the metallic sound of weapons colliding.

That's when she felt a body slam against hers and she gasped as she was knocked to the ground. Clarke looked up quickly and saw an Ice Nation warrior standing above her. He wielded a large axe that was about the same length as Clarke's arm and he was heavily bloodied with scarlet sin that clearly wasn't his own.

He raised the axe above his head and Clarke reacted instantly, dashing forward as he brought the axe down on the ground where Clarke had been laying a moment before. Clarke swung the sword around towards his waist and she heard the sound as it sliced flesh. The warrior's eyes widened and he coughed, sending a spurt of blood from his mouth as the top half of his body was separated from the bottom, the sword having cleanly split the body in two. The area from the torso upwards fell to the ground in a crumpled heap and the bottom half of the man's body collapsed beside it.

Clarke felt hot blood splatter against her face as she watched in shock at what she had done. She never thought she'd kill anyone again after Mt Weather but as she looked at the mutilated body in front of her, she felt dread compress her chest to the point where she could barely breath.

"Once the Commander of death, always the Commander of death." Clarke heard a voice whisper in her ear and she whirled, raising her sword defensively as her eyes rested on a figure in front of her.

"Looks like you can't help but ruin people's lives huh, Clarke?" Finn smirked widely at Clarke and she felt her skin shiver upon seeing the all-too-familiar apparition of her dead boyfriend.

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