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Prompt is the second to last one. 

Triggers: High school *shivers*

. . .

Dan was sitting alone at the dance when his younger sister, Em, pranced over to him. Em was a freshman and Dan was a senior but the two were constantly hanging out. Not best friends but close.

"Hello, Danny! You seem lonely," Em chirped in the happy voice that only Dan or her close friends ever heard.

"I could say the same to you."

"Psh, I'm at least talking to people. You should go talk to Phil."

"Shh!" Dan said slamming a hand over her mouth. Em just licked his hand causing him to jump back. "Ugh! Em! That's so gross!"

"It's your own fault. I'll be right back!" Em skipped off to where Phil was sitting. "Hello, Phil," she chirped to her friend.

"Hey, Em, what's up?"

"You should dance with Dan."


"C'mon!" Em grabbed Phil's hand and dragged him over to where Dan was sitting. Both boys were blushing like crazy. She grabbed Dan's hand and dragged the two to the center of the dance floor. "You're both lonely, so dance."

Phil looked at Dan before shrugging and placing his hands own Dan's waist, causing Dan to blush more and place his arms around Phil's neck. Em walked off, probably to find another one of her ships.

"Sorry about my sister," Dan muttered. "She's a bit odd and refuses to let me feel lonely."

"It's fine. Em's a good friend of mine."

"She is? I guess she didn't lie."

Phil laughed causing Dan's heart to melt, "Why would she?"

Dan shrugged.

Phil laughed again, "You're so cute- uh, I, uh, I mean-"

Dan's face turned an even brighter red if that was possible, "Thanks. You're cute, too."

"Uh, Dan?"


"Would you, uh, like to go on a date with me?" 

"Of course." 

. . .


Shipper Em makes me happy. 

Anyway, story time. 

So this weekend some of my Mom's side of the family came up to my state 'cause they live out of state so we had to hang out with them which was lovely until my second cousin turns to me and says 'so, I hear you're writing a book' and with that my world crumbles. So, I'm an introvert and super shy so at that moment everyone turns to me and there's like nine people at the table and I'm not that famliar with four of them so I'm like 'what do I say'. I end up saying 'yeah' and then they ask for a summery and all I can think about is the fanfics and Phanfics that I've written and I can't say those so I explain one of my 'orginal' stories and my mom's like 'she started out by writing different ends to books tha she's read' and I'm like 'wow, thanks, mom.' So my second cousin says 'oh, so you like fanfiction and all that' and I just say 'yeah' and I'm pretty sure my older brother didn't know about the fanfics that i wrote before because once when I was riding in the car with him, he was talking about my obsession with Percy Jackson to his friend and his friend went 'she's not one of those girls who write fanfiction, right?' and I pale and my brother's like 'nah' and his friend goes 'good because I hate those people' and I die in the backseat. 

So, now, it has come to my attention that my parents have told ALL of my family (I have a lot of extended family) that I'm writing a book (I'm writing several) and now they're all waiting for it and asking when its gonna be done and all of this. -_-  My aunt was like 'you'll have to let me read it next time you come over'. Thanks, parents, for that stress. THIS is why I don't tell you things. 

Sorry for the long AN. I needed to get that out of my system. 

Love you all! <3


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