Vampires and Witches

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Listen, I know Halloween was yesterday but it wasn't done so here 


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Dan glanced from the paper to the whiteboard pinned up next to a door of the dorm. 'Phil Lester' was scrawled in perfect handwriting with a little pair of fangs next to it. Yep, he was at the right place.

Dan took a deep breath before knocking on the door three times.

There was a loud crash along with a panicked "One second!" from the other side of the door before it opened.

"Hello." The teen who answered had stark white skin with big blue eyes and raven black hair. When he spoke, he smiled revealing sharp fangs.

"Uh, hi! My name's Dan. I'm a witch and, um, well, I have this friend, who's a demon, and she said that you'd be the person to go to and yeah," Dan muttered, blushing slightly.

"For what?" Phil Lester asked.


"You said that she said that I'd be the person to go to. Go to for what?"

"Oh, right, sorry," Dan said with a slight laugh. "I need a vial of vampire venom... for this potion I'm making. It's a weird request, I know, but-"

"What's it do?"


"The potion. What's it do?" Phil explained.

"Well, nothing at the moment. It's still in the beginning phases but it supposed to be a healing potion. You know, because vampire venom heals as it turns and I thought I could harness it to heal people," Dan muttered, sheepishly rubbing the back of his neck.

"That's actually really cool. Uh, yeah. I've got a vial somewhere around here." Phil turned and walked into his room leaving Dan to awkwardly stand in the doorway.

"You sound surprised," Dan commented as he glanced around at the messy room.

"Did I? Sorry, I didn't mean it like that," Phil responded, pushing papers around on his desk. "Aha! I knew you were somewhere here!" Phil stated, triumphantly pulling a vial filled with a dark purple liquid out of the desk.

"So do you just have vials of vampire venom lying around?" Dan asked as Phil handed him the vial.

"Do you have vials of witch blood lying around?"

Dan raised his eyebrows in surprise, "Not normally."

Phil laughed, revealing his fangs once more, "I'm kidding. I thought I needed it for some other witch's potion."

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