Colored Coffee

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Prompt above! I decided to do both as a challenge. The title is made by younger brother. Alternate name could be like "You're hair's pink" or something, I dunno. 

Pastel!Shy!Law Student!Dan and Punk!Confident!Insomniac!Phil ALL THE AUs!

TW: Emotions, insomnia (is that a trigger??) And trash (me)

. . .

Dan glared at the unfinished essay that sat before. He'd had weeks to write the paper but he'd always put it off so here he was sitting in a coffee shop at 3 AM with deep red hair, displaying the annoyed and stressed mood he was in.

The coffee shop was one of his favorite places because they only closed for holidays. He could always sit in his favorite booth, tucked away from the world, scrolling through tumblr or writing last minute papers for class.

Dan was in his first year in uni studying law, which he hated but he thought it was practical so here he was. Honestly, it was a horrible choice for him and his personality, sure he may be good at arguing but he procrastinated way too much for the course.

The bell on the door chimed, signalling the arrival of another person. The man had a bright, but not overly bright orange color to his hair. From here, Dan could only tell he had blue eyes and his skin was quite pale. He wore a black leather jacket, Fall Out Boy shirt, black skinny jeans and combat boots. He had a snake bites and gauges. (AN: What do you guys call gauges? I've heard they're called stretchers elsewhere) He seemed to radiate joy, sunshine, and excitement as he entered the small shop.

"Hello!" the man chirped to the employee. "Erm, can I get a... decaf with milk and two sugars please." (AN: I was gonna write some fancy coffee thing but I don't know anything about coffee sooooooo...)

"Coming right up," the girl said. Dan supposed the girl was pretty. She wore a two-sizes-too-big pastel blue sweater and black jeans under her apron. She had a blue flower crown atop her wavy yellow hair. (AN: Thats me!) She re-adjusted her glasses on her nose as she made the coffee. The glasses were cute but she wasn't really Dan's type. She passed the coffee over to the man with a happy, "Have a nice day, er, night, er, morning? Whatever!"

"Hi," the man said, striding over to Dan with a smirk, his hair turning a medium blue to symbolize the man's confident mood. "You're hair's pink."

Dan gasped and he pulled down a strand of hair to examine it. Sure, enough his hair was a light pink. Dan tugged on the sleeves of his mint green sweater, making sweater paws, and tried to cover his head without knocking the matching flower crown off.

"Aw, that's cute."

Dan blushed even more.

"What are you working on?"

"It's, erm, just a paper for my class."

"Oh? You're in uni?"

"Uh, yeah, studying law."

"Oh, ew. I'm an insomniac and I heard this place had amazing coffee so here I am."

Dan nodded, genuinely interested. He smiled shyly at the man, removed his hands from his head, and continued to tug on his sleeves.

"I'm Phil, by the way. Phil Lester."

"Oh, erm, I'm Dan Howell."

"Nice to meet you, Dan Howell."

Dan's eyes flickered over to a mirror on the wall to see his hair turn a light blue (for calm) with light pink highlights. Dan's eyes flickered back to Phil's and he smiled shyly at him again.

Phil grinned back and Dan noticed his medium blue hair was laced with pink as well. "Dan?"


"I seem to have lost my number, can I have yours?"

Dan blushed and swatted at Phil's arm but grabbed the phone from his hand anyway and typing in his number.

"I shall call you, Pastel Prince Dan."

"Oh, yeah?" Dan said after Phil typed in his number. "I guess, I'll have to call you, Punk Knight Phil."

Phil bowed in an over exaggerated manner, "Whatever you wish, my prince."

"Shut up," Dan muttered, blushing violently and feeling his hair turn bright red (yet still laced with pink) in embarrassment. He swatted at Phil's arm.

"You're hair's red AND pink," Phil said, smirking.   

. . .


Fun cuteness! 

Okay, it's like 1 AM and I should probably work on my summer hw but oh well. 

Also, I've been thinking about getting a few more flower crowns and a pastel sweater or two so I can wear them with my dark jeans, black shoes, and switch between that and my dark shirts which is fun. When I showed my mom pastel sweaters (because she didn't know what that was), she was like "Oh my gosh! That's so 90's!" She also laughed and made fun of me but she found them cute so that's fun. 

Anyway, I'm off to read (probably Sabriel or Destiel or Phan) fanfics. 

"'Alright, mate, give me your iPhone.' 'No, good sir, for I have the power of triangles!'" -Dan Howell 

I love you all and wish you a wonderful day! ^-^ 

-Nerdie <3

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