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Prompt:  We dated once in college and now our kids are best friends 

Pastel!Phil and Punk!Dan 

TWs: tiny mention of death but I don't think anything else

. .  . .

"Get rekt, scrub!" Em shouted, tackling her friend, Winnie. 

"Fight! Fight!" Em twin, Dil, called. 

"Em!" Dan shouted, running up to his children. "Stop fighting! Dil! Stop encouraging your sister!" 

"Aw, Dad," Em complained. "We were just having fun." 

"Yeah, Mister Howell. We're good," Winnie said, with a small smile. "I'll just tell Alice that-" 

"Winnie!" Em shouted. 

"Then stop calling me a scrub, you meme." 

"Alice?" Dan asked. 

"Em's crush!" Dil sing-songed. 

"Dil! I'll tell Tabitha!" 

"Nooooo..." Dil groaned. 

"Winnie!" A familiar voice called. 

"Over here, Papa!" Winnie called, waving her hand. 

Dan turned to greet Winnie's father but when his eyes locked with the pastel in front of him, his jaw dropped. "Phil?" 


"You know Winnie's papa?" Dil asked. 

"We knew each other in college," Phil  said. 

Phil hadn't changed at all. He was dressed in a lavender sweater with a button up shirt underneath with white jeans and matching shoes. A lavender and white flower crown was resting on his black hair. 

"Hobbit hair?" Phil asked. 

Dan blushed and shrugged, running a hand through his curly brown hair. 

"Hobbit hair?" Dil asked, giggling. 

"Long story," Dan responded. "So... long time no see." 

"Long enough for these munchkins to exist," Phil responded, smiling slightly. 

Em noted the slight awkwardness between the two. "Nice to meet you, Mr. Lester! I'm Em and that's my twin brother, Dillion-" 

"Stop introducing me by my full name, Emily." 

"I'm the favorite,"' Em said, smugly. 

"Talk about a problematic favorite," Dil muttered. 


Dil chuckled causing Em to tackle her brother. 

"Em! Dil! What is with you today?!" Dan asked, pulling the twins apart. 

"It's not me!" Dil defended. "She's hyped up on something!" 

"I bet Alice said something to her," Winnie predicted. 

"She probably just waved,"' Dil guessed. 

"She probably just bumped into her."' 

"She probably just walked past her."' 

"She probably just existed at the same time as her," Winnie finished aa she and Dil high-fived. 

Em's face flushed a bright red. "I just had chocolate," she explained, sheepishly. 

Dan smiled and turned to Phil, "Nice seeing you again, but we have to get going." 

"Can you two switch numbers so we can hang out with Winnie outside of school?" Dil asked hopefully. 

"Sure," Phil responded, handing dan his phone so the two could switch numbers. 

. .  . .

"Dorkasaurus!" Em ssid, hugging Winnie. 

Winnie rolled her eyes, "Have you been watching Miraculous Ladybug again?" 

Em nodded happily as Dan and Dil caught up with the two girls. "I'm almost caught up!" 

"Cool. Hey, Dil. Hello, Mr. Howell," Winnie greeted. 

"Hello, Winnie," Dan greeted. "Where's your father?" 

"I'm here," Phil announced as he joined the rest of the group. "Winnie just got a little ahead of me is all. Nice to see you all again." 

"The same to you," Dan said as he adjusted his leather jacket with a smile. 

"I brought lunch, if you'd like to join us,"' Phil offered hopefully as the children ran off to play.

"No, it's alright. We wouldn't want to be a bother. We'll just get something later." 

"It's no bother, honest. I packed too much anyway," Phil explained with a smile. 

"Then thank you. We'll have to take you three out for lunch another time,"' Dan offered. 

"Three?" Phil asked, curiously. 

"Oh, I, um, I just assumed that Winnie's other parent-" 

"Winnie's father isn't with us anymore."' 

"Oh, I'm so sorry. I didn't-" 

"Don't worry, it's not your fault.... So what about you?" 

"What about me?" 

"Where's your spouse?" 

"Oh, I was never married." 


"My ex didn't want kids and dropped them off at my doorstep." 

"Oh, I'm sorry." 

"It's okay. I think it was for the best anyway. I love those two to death." 

Phil smiled, "You did a great job raising them. You're a good father." 

Dan blushed, "Thanks. So are you." 

The two let a comfortable silence end their conversation as they watched their kids play. 

 "I missed this," Phil said softly. 

"Missed what?" Dan asked, his voice just as soft. 

"Us. Just being. That was my favorite part of our relationship. We would just be together and not really need to talk. We'd just enjoy each other's company, you know?" 

"Yeah," Dan muttered. "I think I do... I missed it, too." 

"Yeah," Phil muttered and the two resumed a comfortable silence once more. Not worrying about what it meant and just being. 

. .  . .


This is SO overdue jeez. I love this love though. Em and Dil teasing each other reminds me so much of my younger brother and I. 

I got my hair cut off! At the beginning of the summer, I dyed the ends purple and then they turned pink but sadly I had to cut off the pink for school and now my hair is just past my shoulders which is much shorter than it's been in a few years. I like it though. 

Thomas Sanders' new hair is beautiful 

Dodie's new EP is gorgeous 

(thomas getting his makeup done yeeessss)  

I think that's all? 

I need sleep

"I don't trust people with naturally blonde hair" -Dan (i have naturally blonde hair lol) 

I love you all so much! Get some rest and stay hydrated! good luck with school (i don't want to be reminded (I start in a few days)) You can always talk to me  (and if you're nervous I always have my ask box open of tumblr) G'NIGHT LOVELIES


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