"Goodbye" "Hello"

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TW: Mentions of suicide and an almost attempt

. . .

Dan sat tapping on the railing of the bridge. Was he really going to do this? Yes.

"Goodbye," Dan muttered about lean forward and release his grip.

"Hello," he heard a voice say causing him to jump backwards. He turned his head to see a tall, gorgeous man with blue eyes and black hair staring at him. "Do you like walking around here as well? I love it here during this time of year, it's wonderful," the man rambled as Dan gave him a weird look.

"Y-yeah, I guess. It's a good place to clear my head."

"That's cool. I love coming out here during the winter as well. When it's snowing and stuff, it's even better. You should try it."

Dan leaned back on the rails, still confused about why the man had come up to him, "I-I guess I should, shouldn't I?"

"Oh, definitely. It's like a winter wonderland. Hm, it's a bit hot. Do you mind accompanying me to get some ice cream?"


"Oh, come on, please? It'll be fun and I'll pay."

"I-yeah, okay. Let's go."

"I'm Phil, by the way," Phil said helping Dan away from the edge and looping Dan's arm through his own. He led them to the ice cream stand which wasn't too far away.

"My name's Dan."

"Nice to meet you, Dan."

. . .

"Phil?" Dan asked playing with his boyfriend's fingers.

"Yeah?" Phil responded.

"Do you remember when we first met?"

"Of course. You were about to jump off that bridge."

"You knew?"

"Of course, you just seemed like you had a lot on your mind and I decided to cheer you up."


"You're welcome. I'm glad that I did." 

. . .


Done! Happy spring break! Well, if yours starts today like mine does. If not happy late/early spring break! I'm home alone except for one of my brothers for most of the day so I decided to write and this one doesn't have a prompt. It just came to me and is probably similar to a lot of Phanfics. 

Guess what stupid thing I did yesterday?

I left my phone on the bus. -_- Luckily! My older brother has school today and we decided not to go because it was a half day so he's gonna go pick that up for me. BUT that did mean no phone for all of yesterrday and most of today luckily my young brother let me use the tablet so I didn't have to go without Youtube. 

Love you all! <3


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