I forgot to ask

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Prompt above.

Tw: None! Just some cuteness.

. . .

Dan was casually scrolling through Tumblr when his phone rang. He smiled slighty as he noticed the caller.

"Hello, this is dog," Dan answered.

He heard his best friend, Phil, laugh across the line. "Why do you always do that?"

Dan opened his mouth to respond but Phil quickly stopped him.

"Never mind. Anyway, I called to ask what color my tie should be for prom."

"What?" Dan asked, confused as to why his best friend and crush would ask that. "Um, I dunno."

"Well, we have to match. What color is yours?"

"Hey, er, yeah, since when are we going to prom?" Dan asked, his heart fluttering slightly.

The line went silent for a moment, "Shoot," Phil muttered, "I forgot to ask you."

. . .


Well, that was fun! I saw that and I had to write it.

I got the Cursed Child!! I just finished today and I loved it. My Mawmaw (grandma) got it for me.

Also, while I was with my Mawmaw and Great Aunt, it started to rain and we had to sit in the car until it calmed down.

Also DAPGO yes! I'm excited!!

I'm off again. Bye bye.

"That's a spatula, babe" -Chris (Crabstickz)

I love you all and wish you get to meet your fav!! Also have a great day!


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