Transfer Students

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Description: Phil and Alice are asked to show around two new transfer students.\

. .  . .

̈Ah, Phil, there you are!" Phil's French teacher, Mrs. Walsh called.

Phil stopped and turned around, slightly disappointed. He had been on his way to lunch and was worried she would ask him to help tutor a freshman again. "Yes, Ma'am?"

"Do you know where Alice is? I need to talk to both of you," she asked.

"Um, yeah, she's at lunch. I'm going to see her now," Phil responded.


Phil led her to his and Alice's normal lunch table.

"Hey, Mrs. Walsh. Hey, Phil. What's up?" Alice asked when they arrived.

"Since you two are my best students, I was wondering if you could give tours and generally help two new students? They're from France and I've been told that their English is shaky so they might need help," Mrs. Walsh explained. "There is a girl in your grade, Alice, and a boy in yours, Phil. We made sure that they share most if not all of your classes so it wouldn't affect you too much."

"How shaky is their English?" Alice asked.

"Well, the girl knows more than the boy but they both know quite a bit."

"Okay, I'm in," Alice said.

"Me too," Phil agreed.

. .  . .

Phil knocked at Alice's door on Monday morning. The two agreed to head to school earlier than normal to meet the two new students.

Alice yawned as she stepped out of the house. "It's too early," she muttered sadly.

"Agreed but I'm sure the new kids will appreciate it," Phil said.

Alice nodded and the two began their walk to school.

The walk was very peaceful and soon enough they reached the school. The two climbed the front steps and walked to Mrs. Walsh's room.

"Alice, Phil! There you are," Mrs. Walsh greeted. "This is Dan and Em. Dan et Em c'est Phil et Alice. Ils sont vos guides." (Translation: Dan and Em this is Phil and Alice. They are your tour guides) Mrs. Walsh was sitting at her desk and the two new students stood awkwardly next to her.

The girl, Em, was quite a bit shorter than Phil but was still taller than Alice. She had long blonde hair with blue streaks, sea-green eyes, and very pale skin. She was dressed in a Fall Out Boy t-shirt, jeans, leather jacket, and converse. She had a messenger bag slung across one shoulder and offered a lopsided smile to the two.

The boy, Dan, had short curly brown hair, brown eyes, and freckles. He was dressed in a Muse t-shirt, ripped jeans, and converse as well. He was only slightly shorter than Phil and had a galaxy backpack on his back. The smile he offered was smaller but it revealed dimples on each of his cheeks.

"Hello, I did not realize that my guide is," Em paused as if she was thinking, "Un petit chaton." (Translation: a little kitten) Em smiled at Alice, making her heart flutter.

Dan punched Em on the shoulder. "Pourquoi es-tu comme ça?" he said as he rolled his eyes. (Translation: Why are you like this?) He then turned to Phil and Alice, "Nice to meet you."

Both Em and Dan had very thick accents so their English was a little difficult to understand and, while Phil and Alice could understand their French now, they knew that it would be very difficult if they started talking any faster.

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