Soulmate's hair Pt 2

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Wow you all might have to go back pretty far for the first part of this one 

Prompt: Dan meets the soulmate that worried him way back when 

TW: same as before

. .  . .

Dan smiled at the pixelated image of his best friend on the screen. The two were talking about anything and nothing at the same time.

"That's crazy!" Dan exclaimed in disbelief. "You really said that?"

"I guess it's true. Gingers don't have souls!" Phil laughed.

"You're ginger?" Dan asked.

Phil nodded, "Well, technically my hair was a blonde-ish ginger but I dyed it black when I was younger."

Dan's jaw dropped, "No way!"


"When I was like 10 my soulmate's hair changed color! It changed to black and it was that same blonde-ish ginger color before!"

"Wait really!"

"Yeah! And you're soulmate's hair is brown, right?"

"Yeah. Well, I guess there's only one way of finding out if they truly are the right colors."

"How?" Dan asked curiously.

"Meeting up!"

. .  . .

'Come on, Dan,' Dan thought to himself. 'It's just Phil! Yeah, just Phil. You're best friend... And idol... And possible soulmate... Ugh!'

Dan tapped his leg as the train slowly came to a stop. He was so nervous! He felt like he was going to burst!

The doors flew open and Dan was the first one off the train.

"Dan!" He heard Phil's voice exclaim.

He turned only to run right into Phil.

"Hey, soulmate," Phil said with a smile.

Dan's face flushed, "Hey." 

. .  . .


Wow this is really overdue whoops

I finally found the fanart that distractions was inspired by! It's over on that chapter so you can check it out. Sadly I couldn't find the artist but if anyone knows, please let me know so I can give them proper credit!  

 Sadly I couldn't find the artist but if anyone knows, please let me know so I can give them proper credit!  

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(I'm going to a college fair next week?? I'm old)

(Thomas sanders liked my art again!! AHH!! and said it was cute!)

Anyway, I have to go and do homework! Later kiddos! 

"Brief synopsis of the series?" 

"Oh... *laughing* I thought you were gonna say 'Briefs or Boxers'" 

-An interviewer and Jensen Ackles (what a cutie) 

I love love love you all so much! Don't forget that you can always talk to me and that you're never bothering me!


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