Felix Felicis

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Description: Dan watches a theory (seen above) and wonders what Phil would do if he had Felix Felicis so he tries it. 

((Inspired by me watching this theory)) 

TW: Nothing I think?

. .  . .

Dan sat in his sofa crease with one earbud in as he listened to a theory about the Placebo Effect and Felix Felicis on Youtube. The theory stated that Felix Felicis actually did nothing and it was the Placebo Effect that made the person lucky. He suddenly began to wonder what Phil, his flatmate and crush, would do if he was lucky for a day. Sure, he could just ask Phil but why didn't he try the Placebo Effect on his friend.

He hopped up from where he was seated and rushed into his room, remembering he had a similar looking container to the one from the movie. He walked into the kitchen and filled the container with tap water before adding a little flavoring.

"Phil!" Dan called.

He heard something fall before Phil responded, "Yeah?!" He heard Phil dashing through the apartment before reaching the kitchen.

"I just got this really cool medicine-"

"Dan, are you doing drugs?" Phil joked.

"No, that came out wrong. It's more like a natural cure. I can't think of the word."

"I get what you mean."

"Anyway," Dan responded. "It's supposed to make you really lucky."

Phil narrowed his eyes, "Are you pulling my leg?"

"Of course not!" Dan defended.

Phil studied Dan for a moment longer before Dan responded, "Okay, I trust you. So why are you telling me this?"

"I want you to try it."

"Me? Why do I have to?"

"Because I already did."

"Oh yeah? When?"

"When we found that apartment and we got it."

"Really? I guess that was a lucky day. Okay, I'll try it."

Dan smiled, hoping Phil believed him as he drank the 'potion'.

"Try something small," Dan encouraged his friend. He went to the fridge and grabbed three oranges. "Can you juggle?"

"No. Dan, don't. I'm the clumsiest person eve-WOAH!"

Dan threw the oranges at Phil which he caught and managed to juggle perfectly.

"I did it!" Phil cheered, somehow catching all three oranges.

"So, as it only lasts for a day, what would you like to do?"

Phil tapped his chin for a moment, "Oh! I know! If I'm really truly lucky, there's something I'd love to do."


"Would you go out with me?"

Dan's heart leapt up into his throat as he nodded fervently. 

"Great!" Phil said sweeping Dan into a hug. "I'd ask you to be my boyfriend but if this is affecting you, that wouldn't be a cool move."

Dan's face flushed as Phil swept him into a hug. "It doesn't do anything," he muttered.

"I know. You had your earbuds unplugged and our walls are paper thin."

. .  . . 


I saw this theory and just had to. I told my best friend about it and now we're just talking about our favorite scenes. Do you all have any favorites from the Harry Potter books and movies? 

Dan and Phil moving out like I know we've been predicting it but I'm gonna miss the London apartment but as long as they're happy. 

I'm gonna fight Pete Wentz cause Purple is driving me crazy and I was at school when it all started. 

Also, I'm gonna dip dye my hair over the summer probably. I can't do it during school because we're not allowed to have 'unnaturally colored hair' and I want to dye it a pastel color (blue or purple maybe? I haven't decided) 

((GTLive's back :D)) 

I think that's all. I usually forget something. Oh well. 

Okay, I'm off. 

"Game! Decided what you want me to do with my life!" -MatPat 

I love, love, love, love you all so much! I hope you all know that I accept you no matter what, kay? Alrighty, sweet hearts, I'm off. 


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