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It's been awhile since a tag so here we go 

I was tagged by PadawanOtakuShipper 

1. Do you have a crush on someone? 


2. Does anyone have a crush on you? 

I wouldn't think so but apparently 

3. What's your favorite book? 

There are so many options but probably Turtles All the Way Down or Secret for the Mad 

4. What's better California or New York? 

No clue... Probably California 

5. Where do you want to travel to? 

Umm, everywhere? Mostly Japan and Brighton

6. Favorite song? 

This is difficult. Right now it's Expensive Mistakes by Fall Out Boy or This City by Patrick Stump 

7. Favorite Band? 

Fall Out Boy 

8. Lock screen?

(no clue who created it

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(no clue who created it. If anyone knows please tell me)

9. Home Screen?

(I drew this one but I need to make another for spring lol) 

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(I drew this one but I need to make another for spring lol) 

10. Favorite Youtubers? 

Dan and Phil (obviously), Dodie Clark, Jessie Paege, John and Hank Green, CrankthatFrank, Markiplier, Jacksepticeye, SimplyNailogical, Jaiden Animations, GlamandGore and a ton more to be honest


I don't tend to tag people so whoever wants to do it can lol 

About upcoming chapters - Sadly, I've been super busy lately. It's honestly just been a crazy week and I haven't had any time for anything.  I have a ton of chapters in the works so look forward to that, I suppose

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