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Description: Phil notices Dan never brings his lunch so he takes initiative

TWs: not eating

. .  . .

Dan and Phil were in no way shape or form friends. They were simply acquaintances that sat next to each other in math and the two were exact opposites, Dan was tough and punk and Phil was soft and pastel. They also shared a lunch. The two sat almost exactly across the room from each other. Somehow, Phil could see Dan across the room almost every day and almost every day he noticed something, Dan didn't eat.

Phil knew he shouldn't assume, maybe Dan just ate fast, but Phil couldn't help but worry and worry he did.

"Would you stop staring at him?" Phil's friend, Phoenix, asked her friend. "We get it, you love him."

Phil's face flushed and he elected to ignore Phoenix's comment. "He doesn't have lunch again."

"Then give him one."

"I can't," Phil responded.

"Honestly, Phil, if you made him lunch, it would also give you a reason to talk to him."


. .  . .

Phil stood next the his usual seat at lunch, clutching the lunch bag he'd prepared for Dan.

"Go get him," Phoenix said pushing Phil towards Dan.

"I can't do it."

"Yes, you can."

Phil danced from foot to foot.

"Phil, if you don't do it now, you never will. Now leave me so I can draw this dragon."

Phil nodded, took a deep breath, and walked over to where Dan was sitting alone.

"Um, hi," Phil muttered as Dan turned around to look at him.

Dan raise an eyebrow, "Hi."

"Um," Phil said shakily, "I didn't want to assume but you never eat and I got worried because I worry a lot and we sit next to each other in math and-"

"Woah, slow down, it's okay. You're rambling.  Just think about what you want to say," Dan said softly.

Phil nodded and took a deep breath, "I sit over there and I can see you and I've noticed that you never eat and I got worried so here," Phil said, pushing the lunch bag at Dan.

"I appreciate it, Phil, but I can't accept this."

"Why not? Is this about pride or something because I don't care. I packed this just for you."

"Okay. You brought yourself lunch, right?"

Phil nodded.

Dan opened the lunch and revealed spaghetti with a few snacks and a drink. "Thank you." 

. .  . .

So it became a semi normal routine where Phil would bring Dan lunch and sometimes Dan would try to reject it but always caved and Phil knew he was grateful. The two spoke everyday and were now good friends.

"Phil," Dan said, walking up to the usual table. "Can I speak to you for a moment?"

Phil nodded and followed Dan out of the room. They stopped under one of the trees outside which was in bloom at the moment.

"I want to tell you why I never have lunch," Dan said.

Phil nodded. He'd thought about it be for but never brought it up because he worried he'd bother Dan.

Dan scratched the back of his neck sheepishly. "I just-"

"You don't have to," Phil reassured.

"No, I want to. It's just... my little sister and I ran away from home last year and the only reason I'm still in school is because of her and we don't have enough money to send us both with lunches and yeah."

"Oh. Well, I'm going to continue to bring you lunch. This doesn't change anything."

"Thank you. I just thought you should know."

. .  . .


Guess who's here aND 16! This girl! My birthday finally past last Thursday and now I'm the big 1 6

(The draft of this was called mmm what cha sayyyy for ages lol)

Okay.  I'm at school do I gotta go lol

I don't have a quote soz

I love love love you all so so so much! Happy summer


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