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Description: Dan and Phil told Em and Alice that the 10th floor in their apartment building was haunted and Em is looking for a way to impress Alice. 

Here's a cute short story to get you ready for Halloween in which Em is clueless

. .  . . 

When Em and Alice were eight, Dan and Phil told them ghost stories about a hallway in their apartment building. The two completely believed them but they were eight and Em was always looking for ways to impress Alice.

"Come on, Alice. Please go with me!" Em begged.

"No way! That hall's haunted and you know it! There's no possible way I'm going," Alice said. "Why don't you go by yourself?"

"I don't want to. Why don't you go with me? Are you scared? Don't worry, I'll keep you safe," Em said, flexing her arm muscles.

Alice crossed her arms, "I'm not scared!"

"Then go with me."

"Fine!" Alice muttered.

"Yes!" Em cheered.

. .  . .

"Is this really necessary?" Alice whispered. "Can't we just turn on the light?"

"No way!" Em muttered, searching the hall nervously with the flashlight. "The ambiance, Alice! The ambiance!" Em was practically shaking in her converse.

"Wait, what was that noise?" Alice muttered, pushing Em back with her arm.

Em jumped, "What noise?"

"Em!" Someone yelled in the dark. The lights suddenly flipped on.

"Agh!" Em screamed and threw her flashlight.

"Ow." Dan and Phil were stood right in front of the two. Both of their hair was a mess and they looked pretty ruffled. Dan had his hand covering his forehead. "Em, that hurt!"

"Sorry! I thought you were the ghost!" Em yelped.

"Wow, way to protect me, Em," Alice muttered. "I don't think a flashlight would have done that much damage."

"A-anyway! What are you two doing here? Are you hunting ghosts as well?" Em said cluelessly.

Dan and Phil glanced at each other.

Alice glared at the boys as a warning. Alice knew exactly what was happening but Em was the clueless innocent type and she didn't want the boys to ruin her friend.

"Uh, yeah," Dan said nervously. "We were."

"And? Did you see anything?" Em asked.

Dan and Phil glanced at each other again. "Oh yeah," Phil said. "A big, scary ghost just down the hall."

"Oh, really? A-are you sure?" Em asked, slightly shaking.

Dan nodded.

"Then... Then I'm going to vanquish it!" Em exclaimed, still shaking. "C'mon, Alice."

Alice jokingly rolled her eyes before she allowed herself to be dragged off my Em. 

. .  . . 


It's almost Halloween!! I have been endlessly busy but this has been sitting unfinished for a while so here I am! It's cute and short but I do have a few more WIPs that are almost done and I'm planning on finishing the second part for last Halloween's oneshot by the end of the month. 

Here are some names (and a few extra words for those that aren't clear) for some of the almost finished WIPs: 

-Transfer Students (Em and Dan are French!) 

-Hide Your Phangirl Rewritten 

-Body Swap (a soulmate AU) 

-Connected Rooms 

Can we all just gush about TØP's new music? I love those two! 

Oh, I changed the cover because stealing art is bad but I am wanting to draw one of my own

I've been doing Inktober which is a lot of fun! I actually drew a piece for one of the oneshots on here! I'm not sure if you all remember but it was about Phil going to him and Dan's special place after he's left at the altar and it was very tranquil so here: 

I've been doing Inktober which is a lot of fun! I actually drew a piece for one of the oneshots on here! I'm not sure if you all remember but it was about Phil going to him and Dan's special place after he's left at the altar and it was very tranq...

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I've been blushy and giggly for a few days because I found the cUTEST WHISPER EVER OH MY GOSH. I don't know which one of you did this but wow it has made me so happy (although it's gone now for whatever reason but I got a screenshot) 

 I don't know which one of you did this but wow it has made me so happy (although it's gone now for whatever reason but I got a screenshot) 

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I started watching the Dragon Prince and Hilda (wow both good shows)

Voltron is making me emotional (as usual) 

I love Jessie Paege

Anyway seeing as I have a lot of work to do, I have to go

"Club Penguin is better than tinder" -Jessie Paege 

I adore all of you so much! Reading your comments makes me smile for hours. I'm so glad I posted that first oneshot. You all deserve the world! I love you and I believe in you. 


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