Hide Your Fangirl, Emmy REWRITTEN

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Description: A rewritten version of the first oneshot in this book! 

TW: Mentions of self harm (I don't actually self harm (my demons lie elsewhere) so please let me know if this is wrong at any point)

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On a stormy night in the middle of winter, Em sat in her living room drawing. It was getting late and Em was getting sleepy. Her mother had already retreated to her room so she was left alone.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang and Em jumped at the sudden noise.

She stumbled to her feet and made her way to the door. She could see two dark figures on the other side of the glass. Terrified, she grabbed one of the umbrellas just in case.

"It's almost 11 at night, there's no way they're going to answer," Em heard a male voice say on the other side of the door.

"Well, what do you suggest we do?" Another voice responded. The voices sounded so familiar but she was too freaked out to place them.

Em pulled the door open, clutching the umbrella with her other hand. She gasped and dropped the umbrella, noticing it was Dan and Phil. Her mind blanked and she suddenly forgot English. "You- you're- ah- um-" she muttered.

"Hi, I'm-"

"Dan and Phil!" she squeaked.

"Yeah. Hi. Do you know us?" Dan asked.

"I'm a big fan," Em muttered with a blush. "I'm Em. What are you doing here? I mean, um, not New York because that kind of makes sense but, like, my house." Em ran a hand through her hair nervously.

"Our rental car broke down and our phones are dead. Could we use your phone to call a tow truck or a cab or something?" Phil asked.

Em's eyes widened, "Oh, yeah! Where are my manners? I'm so sorry, you two must be cold. Come in." Em closed the door behind them and ushered them into the living room with a nervous smile. "I'll get you some towels and figure out where I left my phone. Just one second."

Em dashed down the hall and pushed open the door to her mother's room. "Hey, Mom. Dan and Phil from Youtube are here and they're borrowing my phone. Can they hang out for a while? Kthxbye!" Em said quickly. She moved to shut the door again before her mom could process what she'd said.

"Emily Kate! Don't you shut that door. What did you just say?" Her mother asked.

. .  . .

Dan and Phil awkwardly stood in the cozy living room. They were both shivering slightly as they observed the room.

A laptop sat on the armrest of the couch with earbuds plugged into it. On the screen was a picture of their old logo from their shop. On one of the cushions, a sketch book was laying with several colored pencils scattered around it. Dan and Phil were drawn on the page of the sketchbook with what looked like an updated version of their logo drawn with them. While the picture was lined, the sketch lines hadn't been erased.

"Okay, I'm back. My mom had some questions," Em said as she entered the room. She gave them both a towel. "Oh! Here's my phone."

"Thank you," Phil said, nodding slightly as he grabbed the unlocked phone. He quickly looked up the number to the nearest mechanic and called the number.

"Oh! Have you eaten dinner? Maybe I can get you something while the mechanic is on the way?" Em suggested to Dan, definitely hiding her nervousness with mothering.

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