Connected Rooms Pt 2

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Here's a quick sequel to the last one! I didn't know what I was going to write but then I got inspired. So here. 

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Dan and Phil's first date was kind of a mess. Dan woke up late so Phil arrived while Dan was still getting ready, they got stuck in traffic which fried their nerves, and Phil ran right into a waiter while on his way to the restroom. That last one might not have been so bad if only the waiter wasn't carrying a whole lot of food that Phil was allergic to. After that, they had to rush home without dinner for Phil's Epipen.

But then Dan ordered pizza and the two hung out on the roof of the connected rooms which made the night all better so they agreed to a second date. Luckily, this one was less catastrophic.

And they dated for years before moving in together and, years after that, Phil had a surprise.

. .   . .

"I cannot believe we're driving all the way to Manchester tonight and you won't tell me where we're going," Dan said with a slight pout. He crossed his arms and stared out the car window.

"It's a surprise, dear," Phil said for the millionth time.

"I get that but- Oh! Turn here! I want to drive past our old houses," Dan exclaimed.

Phil smiled and turned. He pulled up in front of the two houses and shut the car off.

"Do you remember how many nights we spent out here in the cold?" Dan asked.

"Of course," Phil responded. "Come on, let's go in."

"Wait, what?"

"Don't you want to go in. Come on. Lets sit on the ledges one last time." Phil got out of the car and Dan followed. They entered through Dan's old house and walked up the stairs. Dan's old room was now decorated for a baby girl. They climbed out onto the ledge and shut the window.

"So, how'd you manage to swing this?" Dan asked.

"I just asked nicely," Phil said smugly.

Dan stared at him for a moment.

"Alright, it cost me 50 bucks. But still!" Phil paused for a moment before speaking again. "Dan, I know we've been dating for awhile and I think I'm finally ready for the next step. I love you so much and the sight of you makes me speechless. Will you... will you marry me?" Phil asked hopefully.

Dan covered his mouth and Phil suddenly noticed he was laughing!

"Wha- Dan?"

"No! N-no, I-I'm not laughing at you!" Dan suddenly reached into his pocket and pulled out a box and ring of his own. "I was going to propose to you! And then you suddenly wanted to go to Manchester!"

Phil laughed happily. "So I guess that's a yes?"

"I suppose so," Dan said before pulling Phil in for a kiss. 

. .  . .


Hello again! I'd forgotten how much I missed writing. 

Happy 100 parts! This makes 100 parts to this story including author's notes and tags. 

I also have a question for all of you. I have a one shot that is almost finished but its much more Em and Alice based than Dan and Phil (although Dan and Phil are in it). Comment here whether or not you want to see it. ((I don't mind if you say no))

I love you all so so much! Have a great day! 


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