Well, that just happened

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More surprises! No summary for you! *sticks out tongue* 

TW: None! 

. . .

Dan smiled lightly as he typed a response to his internet friend, Phil. The two had been talking for about a year and was honestly crushing on the boy. They'd met through one of Phil's fanfics and had started chatting. The only problem was that Dan had never see a picture of video chatted with Phil. Phil had always had an excuse and Dan was beginning to think he was being catfished. (AN: I just accidentally wrote catPHished XD)

ThatAmazingPhil: I wish we could meet. You sound so wonderful.

DannyBoi: Well, I mean, we could. (AN: What are these usernames? XD)

It took a few moments for Phil to respond.

ThatAmazingPhil: I dunno if that's a good idea.

DannyBoi: What do you mean?

ThatAmazingPhil: I don't think you'd like me much irl

DannyBoi: Aw, that's silly

DannyBoi: You're my best friend as long as you're not some creepy killer or something

DannyBoi: You're not, are you?

ThatAmazingPhil: Thanks, Dan. You're my best friend, too

ThatAmazingPhil: I feel like you're the only person in my life who likes me for me

ThatAmazingPhil: You know me best

DannyBoi: ^-^

ThatAmazingPhil: You know what?

ThatAmazingPhil: I will meet up with you

Dan cheered aloud, excitedly as the two quickly planned out the meeting for the next day.

. . .

Dan walked quickly down the street. He was so excited to finally meet his friend. He bit back a smile as he pushed open the door to the Starbucks.

He sat down at one of the back tables after grabbing drinks for the two like they'd agreed, pulled out a sketch pad, and continued to work on a fanart as he waited. (AN: Me)

"Hey, are you Dan?" A voice interrupted him after a few minutes.

"Yep, you must be Phil?" Dan asked looking up at the tall man who was wearing a particularly large hoodie, a baseball cap, and sunglasses indoors.

Phil smiled, "Sure am!"

"That's so weird. Your voice sounds so familiar. Anyway, d'ya wanna sit down?"

"Oh, I was gonna ask if you wanted to go to the park."

"Oh, sure!" Dan said smiling. He passed Phil his drink.


"You're welcome."

The two exited the shop together.

"How are you still cold?" Dan asked as the two walked in the hot summer sun.

"Huh? Oh," Phil laughed slightly. "Oh yeah."

Phil pulled off the hoodie and hat, revealing black hair. He removed his sunglasses and Dan's jaw dropped. Phil had the bluest eyes he'd ever seen but that wasn't what surprised him. Standing in front of him was Prince Philip Lester.

You see, Dan and Phil live in a modern kingdom which the Lesters rule. The Lesters are kind and wonderful royalty beloved by the whole kingdom. Their family is comprised of the King and Queen and the Princes, Martin and Philip.


"No, don't, please," Phil said. "I'm trusting you. Please don't treat me any different. I get enough of that from everyone else."

"Yeah, sorry, I just- Well, that just happened. Jeez, that was unexpected. If I'm being honest, I was kinda afraid that I was getting catfished."

"What do you mean?"

"I was scared you were actually a murderer or an old man or something. I was kinda scared about meeting up but I was too excited to not come."

"Erm, Dan? Don't catfishers usually have the intention of making the person fall in love or, like, feel romantically towards them."

Dan blushed wildly, "I-I guess."

"Dan," Phil said slyly, slightly smirking, "do you have something you want to say?"

Dan's face turned redder, "No," he squeaked.

"Aw, you're blushing!"

"Am not!" Dan said defensively, his face turning even redder. Dan attempted to cover his face in shame.

"Aw, don't do that, Bear. Its cute."


"Yeah, you look a little scary but you're just a big fluffy teddy bear really."

Dan scoffed, "Am not! I'm scary!" 

"Sure you are, Bear."

"I am!"

"I didn't disagree with you."

"Your tone did!"

. . . 


I've had this idea written down forever so here it is.

Okay but guys, I've started posting my art on my instagram (*cough* nerdie.grl *cough*) AND LOOK WHAT I WOKE UP TO! 

DANTDM LIKED MY FANART OF HIM! I ALMOST SCREAMED! I've been freaking out all day and my best friends aren't in group chat today for some reason SO THEY CAN"T FREAK OUT WITH ME YET BUT OMG

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DANTDM LIKED MY FANART OF HIM! I ALMOST SCREAMED! I've been freaking out all day and my best friends aren't in group chat today for some reason SO THEY CAN"T FREAK OUT WITH ME YET BUT OMG

This reminds me of when I drew a bunch of Youtubers in "polaroids" a but back and I flipped because HappyPandaParade, JaidenAnimations, and Galactibat like it!

Also, I very much so approve of my brother's girlfriend because she likes Dan and Phil and SPN and anime and my bands and she literally said "Misha Collins is bae" I'm actually getting comfortable around her which is rare for me but great. 

Also, I've decided that I'm gonna be Grell Sutcliff for halloween which is great!

Anyway, I'm off. Night-y night!

"Oh the red means death" -Markiplier

I love you all and hope you get the best night's sleep you've ever had! Goodnight, my babies! (what am I even saying)


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