15 Facts Tag

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I know but I got tagged again ((I dunno why))

I was tagged by Skipper_019 to list 15 facts about myself and then tag 15 others to do the same. You're meant to do it in a week. 

So, here: 

1. I just started Stranger Things (I know, I'm late, no spoliers) ((I really like it))

2. I really love galaxy print. 

3. My favorite bands are Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Twenty One Pilots, and Panic! at the disco. 

4. I'm afraid of heights but I love to fly (ikr) 

5. My dog is blind and my family has three other dogs. 

6. I'm (slightly) allergic to cats (because I used to have so many) 

7. I'm super duper shy, have anxiety, and am an introvert (not much socialising for me) 

8. I have depersonilization moments (basically I don't feel like the one 'calling the shots' and don't always recognise myself in the mirror) 

9. I'm super innocent (as much as I can be at least) but I'll say things and surpirse people sometimes 

10. I'm working on reading the Miss Peregrine's series (I'm on book 2) ((Ik I'm late on that, too))

11. I recently got cat ear headbands from Hot Topic (my fav store) and I basically constantly wear them

12. I really like to read 

13. I watch a lot of Youtubers including Dan and Phil (obvs), Jacksepticeye, Markiplier, Tomska, Thomas Sanders, Dodie Clark and a bunch of others

14. I found it really difficult to think of 15 facts 

15. I love the beach 

I don't have anyone to tag so I'll just go with you all again (you don't have to, no worries)


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