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Hyejong pov

I woke up remembering everything what happend yesterday.
I looked at my left side and saw Jimin sleeping,well , I thought he was. I grabbed my shorts and my shirt that were  on the ground, put them on to go to the bathroom. But just as I walked I felt pain between my legs.

Suddenly Jimin walked out of the bed and got some clothes out of his bag without even looking at me.

'I guess I have to help myself. '

'I still am a toy to everyone right? I never did wanna end like this. But I never wanna divorce since I'm scared of divorcing. I hope that he doesn't ask for it.'

After 2 weeks:

Hyejong's diary :

It's been a week now since we've arrived back from our honeymoon. Jimin always want to do 'IT'. But yesterday he said something weird. He said I love you. It also can be because he was drunk. Yea I know he is underage but he does drink alcohol. Did you know how I felt? It was something I never felt before. My heart was fluttering!!  I hate this feeling.
At school he acts like before. I'm thankfull for that because I don't want the school to know that were married.

I will write more often!!


Today Jimin has to go to his dance class so he will come late. What will I make for dinner? I know I sound more feminine but ever since I'm married I'm like this.

I will make some tortilla and salad. For dessert I will make tiramisu.

When I put the tiramisu in the freezer, I heard some sounds. So I walked to the livingroom thinking it's Jimin.

- Jimin I've mad..-

But I got there at the wrong moment. Seeing your husband kissing another girl who is your bitchy stepsister surelly hurts. I saw Cindy smirking.

I ran away to my room and fell on my knees.

Tears were coming unstoppable from my eyes.

- I'm crying for a guy who doesn't even love me, huh?

When I saw a girl crying for a guy before, I thought she was a fool and faking the crying. But now I knew how it feels and it's painful.

I kept crying for an hour, then I stood up to go to the kitchen.

But before that I fell down and blacked out.

Jimin pov

C- Jimin-oppa I realised that I still love you. I was really wrong can you give us a chance again?

Hmm.. She wants me back huh? I'll will take my revenge on her. First I'll act lovely but after a month or two I'll dump her.

- Okay.

We walked towards my house. When I've found out that Hyejong is not in the living room, Cindy started to kiss me out of nowhere.

HJ- Jimin I've mad...-

Even if she was here we still continued. I couldn't stop. But... I felt a weird burn in my heart.

It can't be...

I stopped kissing Cindy and said that she has to go home since it's really late. She first refused to go but later she called her best friend to give her a ride home since her parents weren't home.

Should I go and see if Hyejong is alright or... Why am I worried about her?!!

I just sat on the sofa and watched some tv.



What was that?

- Hyejong?

I rushed up stairs to Hyejong's room.

Why is the door locked?

- Hyejong!!


But she didn't answered.

- Okay then!!

I punched the door and it broke. I walked in and looked for Hyejong. When I looked around I found her laying on the ground.

- Yah!! Why are you sleeping on the ground wake up!!! If you catch a cold I won't let you rest!!

But she didn't move or something .


I grabbed her by her wrist but she fell  immediatly down go the ground.

Then I realised that she fainted.

I called my private doctor as fast as I could. And after a few minutes he is in my house.

Dr- Can you leave? I have to check on somethings.

- O..Okay.

Hyejong pov

I woke up feeling pain in my head.

I looked around and found out I'm in my bed.

I knew it.

A guy in his twenties looked at me.

- Who are you?!

Dr- Well I'm doctor Kwon. My name is Jiyong, Kwon Jiyong.

- What did you mean by 'I knew it'?

JY- You are the Blue child.

- What is that?

JY- You're not really human.

- T-thats not true! My parents are human!!

JY- That's true but you have two biologic mums and two biologic dad's One of the mums is my mum too.

-So you're telling me that you're my brother ? And how fuck does that work?!

JY- Ne. You're my little sister. But you're the only one who is the Blue child.

- What are you then?

JY- I'm a wizard like my mum. You are like my dad the Blue Child.
But at that time he wasn't called Blue child but Aqua. Because his stength is that he can do everything with water.

- How did you even know I'm the Blue Child? Because I don't even know you.

Jiyong got a mirror and let me look at it.


M...M...my left eye is....Blue?!!


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