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Jimin pov

I just can't believe it I got cheated on by two girls. Moreover they are related to each other. Not blood related but still....

I thought I found the one.

I guess all girls are the same.

And they deserve to be played with.

Hyejong pov

-Jiyong-oppa! You are here!!

I walked to him and hugged him.

JY- Yes... Let's go somewhere dark I want to show you a secret of mine.


JY- So... I'm actually an idol. Why people incuding you could recognize me is because of my power of magic.


JY- Close your eyes tightly.


I closed my eyes. Feeling the world lighting up.

JY- You can open them now...look at me.

I slowly opened them seeing someone I've never expected him to be.

-O...M...G...Youre GD?!! FROM BB?!

JY- Ne.

- That means there...

JY-All members of the group are not human. But I can't say all of them because I can't explain them here.

He then got back to the normal Jiyong .

JY- All I can say is that Taeyang is like your husband.

Lord...he is a vampire...The biggest kpop group of South Korea are not human!!

-I..I want to tell you something too.


- Well you know what I asked you about?
That's actually not my friend but me...

He stared at me with a scared face .

JY- You're pregnant?

-I..I think so.

JY- That's not good...Hyejong-ah tell Jimin okay? Carrying a vampire child is the most difficult in the world especially if you're not a vampire . Also there might happen lots of bad things with you if don't tell Jimin.

-O..okay but-


-Sorry, it's Jimin.

- Hallo?

Chim- YAH! Get over here!!! I'm hungry so make me food!!!

Why did he change so suddenly?

Chim- Quickly!!!

He said and hung up.

-Oppa I'm sorry I have to go.

JY- Okay..don't forget what I told you.


How can I tell Jimin? His dream to be an idol is bigger than mine.


I walked in the house as I heard Jimin walking towarda me.

He held my arm harshly and pushed me to the kitchen.

Chim- MAKE....FOOD!

WTH is wrong with him?

He walked away.

I made some salad and some chicken. Last time he really loved it.

I placed it infront of him on a plate and waited untill he began to eat.

Chim- What is with this salad??!! It's too salty!!!! And this chicken too!!

-But...I didn't put any salt in the salad!

Chim- Don't lie to me Hyejong!!

He said and pushed all the food I made on the ground.

-What's you're problem?!!

Chim- MY PROBLEM is...YOU!!

And everything became silent he grabbed his coat and walked out.

I picked up the food he had pushed on the ground and put  it in the bin.


Jimin still wasn't home. And it was 3 am.

-I should get something to drink first. Today is the day where my talents will come out.  And I'm still  awake.

I walked to the kitchen got some water and then heard someone dropping keys and falling down.


Isn't that Hoseok?

I opened the door and found Hoseok carrying a drunk Jimin.

JH- Thank you Hyejong-ah.

He walked in the house and set him in his room.

-Thank you very much Hoseok-oppa.

JH-No prob-

Before he could finish he walked towards me and stared intensely at me.

Then he pushed my hands off my stomach and looked at it.

Oh no..

JH- Hyejong-ah...you're preg-

I held my hand on his mouth and walked to my room closing the door.

-Yes I am but... don't tell Jimin. I think he won't accept this baby now. Moreover he is not good now.

JH-Okay but...only if I can carry the baby first!


JH- Or no we are going to make a photo and then I will carry the baby.

- Okay.

JH- Now I will go before Jimin thinks we are doing  something.

- Hmm.

I walked him downstairs and opened the door.

- Again thank you!!

JH- no problemo!!


I stared at Jimins sleeping face.

He is so cute when he sleeps!

But then when I looked at his shirt I found some lipstick on it.

I thought he changed....I guess...not.

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