p r o l o g u e

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As Luke got into his car, he grabbed something from the backseat. He handed me a dozen roses, with a little note.

"Don't open the note until tomorrow morning, okay?" He requests. I nod my head in understanding.

"I will always love you, forever and ever. No matter what." Luke whispers. He looked anxious. "Are you okay Luke? Do you want to talk about somethi-" He cut me off with a kiss. "I'm fine, love. I promise."

I sighed but didn't push it. Luke was never very open about his emotions.

"I love you too. Forever and ever." I told him, before he got into his car and left.


I wake up with a smile on my face the next day. I walk out of my room as happy as can be. I can't wait to hang out with Luke today, maybe have a movie day.

As i walk down the stairs and head to the kitchen, I hear my parents discussing something. I stop and listen in.

"What do we tell Carrie? I can't believe he did that... He always seemed so happy! Especially with her! Oh god.. She's going to be so hurt! What do we tell her?" My mother said. What happened? Who are they talking about? Why am I going to be hurt?

"We have to tell her the truth. What else are our options, Linda? I don't want to tell her either, but who else will!" My dad exclaims, while trying to maintain a quiet whisper. What am I missing?!

"No one wants to tell their daughter that her boyfriend commited suicide. But we have to! At some point she would figure out anyway." My mom says sadly.

My heart drops. They're talking about Luke.

My knees give out. Why? Why would he kill himself? Did I do something? Were all his smiles and his 'I'm fine's lies? Why didn't he tell me? Did he not trust me? He said he loved me forever and ever!

I clutch my head, my thoughts nearly driving me insane. He's gone.

Then I remember him saying something last night.

"Don't open the note until tomorrow morning, okay?"

I get up, shakily, and sprint to my room as best as I could.

I burst into my room and walk to my window sill, where the vase with 12 dark red roses sat. I pick the note out of the flowers and open it with tears streaming down my face continuously.

To my love, Carter Mae Allen.

I know you hate when I call you your real name and you prefer Carrie but I think Carter suits you more. It's beautiful, just like you. I want you to make one last promise for me, since I know that you're aware of my passing. I want you to promise that by the time that the last rose petal falls off of the bouquet I gave you, you'll find a new man to love. I'm happier, I needed this. I've been having a really hard time, and I know this is what God intended. My suicide has nothing to do with you, love. I know how you are, so stop blaming yourself. You kept me alive as long as you could, and I thank you for giving me hope. You were the light of my life while I was surrounded by darkness. But recently, the darkness has become overbearing. I'm sorry, I know I promised you we'd run away together. I know I promised that I'd marry you one day, but now I want you to go on, and make that promise with someone who can keep it. I love you forever and ever, Carter.

Love always,


I crumble to the floor in pain. I'll never be able to see his smile that was the main reason for my own. I'll never hear him say my real name, and I'll never be able to playfully fight him because I hated being called that.

I look up at the ceiling, tears falling quickly down my crimson cheeks, red and blotchy from my outburst. I squeeze my eyes shut as tight as I can.

"I love you too, Luke. Forever and ever."


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