f o u r t e e n

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During breakfast I got a phone call from a very stressed Katie.

"Where the fuck are you?!" She exclaimed through the phone, "You can't just get up and leave whenever you want!"

"Katie, calm down. I'm just with Cal, we can drop by and pick you up if you want."

"Cal? You guys have pet-names now? Cute! I ship it." I chuckled at her habit of showing off her fangirl side.

"Hun, your fangirl is showing."

She sighed dramatically, "Oh how I wish I was in your place. Do you think Michael would go for me?"

"You'll never know unless you try. Well, I better get going, but do you want to hang out with us?"

"I guess. As long as I'm not a third wheel..." She trailed of awkwardly.

"Nahhh, maybe Michael will hang out with you. What time do you want us to pick you up?"

"10 ish, I guess." I looked at the clock. 9:07.

"Alright, we'll be there."

"Wait, why did you spend the night there? Did you two... Oh my god. Carter you have to tell me every detail when you get here-"

"Ok bye Katie, see you soon!"

I quickly hang up, hoping Calum didn't hear Katie.

I heard him cough as a failed attempt to cover his laughs.

He definitely heard that.

"OMG Carter you have to tell me every detail like, omg." He mocked.

"Shut up," I grumbled, but smiled anyways.

"So Carter, tell me about yourself. I mean, since we banged I feel like I should get to know you better," He smirked.

I rolled my eyes but answered anyway, "I'm from Minnesota."

"In case you forgot, I'm from Australia so the only states I know are California and New York." Calum laughed.

"Oh c'mon you've been there!" I exclaimed, crossing my arms.

"I have?" He asked incredulously, "wait how do you know that?"

"I'm a fan, I know everything. You went there when you were opening for One Direction."

He grinned, "Did you go to that concert?"

I frowned, "No, my mom has never encouraged my fan girl life style."

Calum sighed, "I've heard that from a lot of fans, actually. I don't get how a parent can be against something that makes their kid happy. Anyways, tell me more about you."

"Right, anyways, I'm an only child. I'm 17. I'm not sure what else to say," I chuckle.

"What about... Something you've always wanted to do?"

"Well, I've always wanted to fuck you, so I can cross that off my list," I cheekily say.

He paused and then burst out laughing.

"I almost forgot you're a fan of 5sos for a second there. That might be hard to get used to."

"I mean you've already had sex with me, so you kinda have to keep me around for a while," I grin.

"Oh yeah? And why is that?"

"Because I was great in bed and you can't just let me go without doing it at least one more time. I know how boys are, even if you didn't like me, you'd want to keep me around just because it was awesome sex."

He thinks about what I said for a little and then said, "You believe me right? About actually liking you? You don't think I'm just using you for sex right? Because I swear I'm not."

"I know Cal. Anyways, I've always wanted to surf. It's not really something I can do in Minnesota."

Calum smiled, "I know what we're gonna do today. Let's go get Michael and Katie."

After a 20 minute drive of constant fun chatter, Calum finally stopped the car at a beach.

"Lets surf!" Calum cheered.

"I thought you were kidding! Oh my god we're actually going to surf?!" I exclaim, already excited.

"Of course. Nervous?" He asked Katie, who didn't look nearly as happy as me.

"Maybe a little. Are there rocks in this area? Or... Sharks?" She anxiously cracked her knuckles.

"Is the fearless Katie afraid of surfing? Are you kidding? Babe, you'll be fine." I smiled.

We all pulled off our clothes, leaving us in our swimsuits.

Then a guy walked up, who was probably in his mid twenties.

He and Calum did the bro hug thing and Calum said, "Noah, these are my friends, Michael, Katie, and Carter. Guys, this is my friend Noah. He's our instructor for the day."

Friend? I'm classified as his friend after last night?

Are you kidding me?!

I mean, I guess its too soon to be official and he never asked me, but c'mon. He even introduced me last, as if I was least important.

My thoughts were interrupted by Noah saying, "Have any of you ever surfed before?"

There was a chorus of 'no' and 'nope's.

"Well this should be fun then." He joked.

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